Rescuing Private Trouble

[Scorcher, wake up, and Report to the command!] StarScream shouted over the intercom. In the empty bunk room, the annoying voice echoed, and Scorcher, being rudely awakened, groaned. He got up from his charging station and unplugged, sitting up on his bed. [Scorcher! Command! NOW!] The voice repeated itself, and once again, he groaned.

"Alright." Scorcher got up, stretching. He looked to his plating, seeing the scratches and burn marks. The red metal shone and the purple Decepticon Insignia glowing brightly. Once he finished loosening up, he walked out of the team's recharge bunk when he heard the annoying voice once more, this time throughout the entire base.

[Scorcher to command! Now!] Scorcher let out an aggravated growl.

"I heard ya the first time!" Scorcher shouted up into the sky, picking up the pace and closing the distance between himself and the command center. He ran past a number of well known Decepticons, such as Brawl, Barricade, and RamJet, all of which ignored him, focusing on their own duties. He finally reached the command room, seeing Celina and Starscream. Before he walked in, Celina ran up to Scorcher, holding him back for a minute.

"Trouble and A.M.Y. are not anywhere on base. Last I saw, Trouble's transponder was somewhere in Dyxion. Starscream wants to see our new recruit in action and send us on a mission." Celina explained, putting her data pad away.

Scorcher nodded, and cleared his voice module, catching Starscream's attention. Starscream turned around and grinned. "Ah, the fearless leader of Alpha Squad." He took a moment and looked around. Scorcher knew exactly who he was looking for. "Where's A.M.Y. and Trouble? I would have expected them to be with you, Scorcher."

Scorcher sighed, and Celina walked up. "They're" She paused and took a step back, preparing for Starscream's wrath, or his annoyance, Scorcher believed it to be.

"What!?!? You lost them?!" He raised his finned hands into the air, looking to Celina. Scorcher stood between him and his comrade, blocking Starscream.

"No, we didn't lose them. Last we knew, they were in the city of Dyxion. We can go there now and retrieve them." He suggested, knowing Starscream would waste time sending his competitor for second in command into the heart of an Autobot city.

"Fine, you can go. Find your engineer. Do not fail us, Scorcher." Starscream said, secretly hoping that he would, indeed, fail. Scorcher nodded, walking away. Celina followed closely behind, checking her neutron assault rifle.

"Let's go find them." He said, transforming into a car as the two left the base.

After some time, Scorcher and Celina made it to where Trouble and A.M.Y. were supposed to be. It was a fancy Icergon parlor run by a friendly Autobot named Nitrogen. The two Decepticons walked in, and everything in the parlor went silent. The two ignored the unwanted attention and walked up to Nitrogen. Nitrogen shook his head. "Hell nah, Scorch, not today."

"This Autobot know you?" Celina asked Scorcher, who shook his head.

"Old time acquaintance." was all Scorcher gave her. He turned his attention back to Nitrogen. "Did two other Decepticons come here earlier? One looking like he was fresh off the processor, the other looking like she...had some work done?"

"I don't know, what's it to you?" Nitrogen went back to doing what he was doing before, wiping down the counter. Scorcher then pulled out a small device, and Nitrogen panicked. "Y-yeah, they stopped by. Ordered a couple's deal. Looked harmless enough, so I sold to them! Please don't use that! I enjoy being sane again!" He began to cower behind the counter, then Scorcher put the device away.

"Thank you for the intel." Scorcher then walked out, Celina following him.

"The hell was that?"

"Nothing important. I thought you said they were on a mission." Scorcher said, walking out of the parlor.

Celina rubbed the back of her neck."It was. Then they got carried away." Celina replied, turning to face Scorcher.

Scorcher shook his head, then looked around. "Go ahead and scan the area." He ordered. Celina complied, looking around. She stopped then knelt down, pointing out a line of Cyber Blood, streaked towards a dark alley. The two walked over, seeing a slumped figure. It was Trouble! Scorcher ran up to him, checking him for any wounds. "Trouble, are you alright?"

"Attacked...Took...A.M.Y." He replied weakly, pointing into the alley. Scorcher growled, sensing an old and annoying enemy.

"Celina, stay with Trouble, mend any damages." Scorcher pulled out his revolvers, Vengeance and Justice. "I'm gonna get A.M.Y." She simply nods, kneeling down to Trouble. Scorcher then entered the alley, checking any spot the assaulter would hide. After seeing nothing, he stopped. "Where the hell-"

He was cut off when he was hit in the back of the head. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain. He turned over to see his assaulter. The one holding A.M.Y., he could not see, but he could clearly see Blade's crazy ass any day of the cycle.

"Looking for someone?" Blade asked sadistically, shoving a blade into Scorcher's left arm, pinning him. Not paying any attention, however, he allowed Scorcher to raise his other arm, placing the barrel of Vengeance directly against the side of his head. A moment later, Scorcher pulled the trigger, Blade's head disassembling into multiple pieces.

"Should've done that eons ago, you crazy bot." Scorcher said. He then saw the other Autobot injure A.M.Y. and run away. Scorcher then passed out once more, seeing Celina running up to him before he shut down.