Past Duel

Scorcher returned to his dream, right before he and Train Trek were about to fight Blade. Their village was in flames, white smoke rising from the buildings. The villagers who had survived left, and the rest of Blade's crew that had come with him were dead. All that remained in the village were Blade, Scorcher and Train Trek.

"You'll die here. In the middle of nowhere. No one will look for you." Blade sadistically said, twirling his blades. Even after his death, Blade would continue to haunt Scorcher in his dreams. His psychotic laugh, his disturbing face, his sadistic personality had engraved itself into Scorcher's core.

"I can think of a few. But the only thing is that what you just said is false. It will be YOU that will be stranded out here, left to rot." Train Trek shouted, twirling his hammer, then suddenly grasping it and rushing Blade. Blade focused his attention on the impending mass of Cybertronian that ran towards him. Trek raised his hammer, prepared to strike the filth down, when Blade crossed his blades, stopping the weapon. Scorcher then jumped into action, running up from behind. He jumped, his sword raised high in the air. Blade moved his swords and body so Trek's hammer fell to the ground, creating a loud gong noise as it struck the metal floor. He then twisted himself and blocked Scorcher's weapon with one sword, metal grinding against metal.

"You're not getting away this time, Blade. You will answer for your crimes!" Scorcher shouted, grunting as he pressed down on his own blade, causing pressure to build up. All Blade did was laugh, quickly dodging Scorcher's blade as it came down. He maneuvered and swung a blade at Scorcher's side, managing to cut off a few plates, blue fluids spritzing out of the wound. Scorcher growled, swinging his sword where Blade was standing. The crazy bot jumped away, laughing hysterically as he did so.

He laughed, but did not pay any mind to the hammer that was almost at its target. Blade turned his head before being flung into an already damaged building, the structure collapsing around Blade. Scorcher got up and stood next to Train Trek, raising his fist. Trek bumped it.

The two approached the pile of slag, moving pieces that still could be moved. Once they cleared the area Blade should have been buried under, they were ready to take him in. But Blade's body was gone, and there were no tracks.

"Damn, must have gotten a custom job on his alt form. Make it untraceable." Scorcher said, turning to Train Trek, who morphed the hammer back into his own body. Scorcher did the same with his blade, the weapon retreating back into its owner through the hand that held it.

"That's the third time this cycle. You'd think he'd remember how many times we kicked his butt." Train Trek jokingly commented, walking away. "Come on. Let's get this Energon out of here before he shows up again." He entered the rig, starting the engine.

Scorcher climbed on top, sitting on the roof. "Aye!" Scorcher looked down to his friend, who's fist was raised. "Brothers till the end!"

Scorcher raised his fist as well. "Brothers till the end." The rig began to move, heading towards the city, and Scorcher's vision began to blur, wondering how long he was out of commission.