Fallen Supreme

Scorcher drove through the now dying battlefield of Iacon, the bodies of fallen Decepticons and Autobots scattered across the roads. The surviving Autobot soldiers were cleaning up their fallen bretheren, dragging their bodies out of the way and laying them down, while piling the Decepticon bodies up into mounds.

Scorcher was more focused on the falling Autobot ship, which Train Trek addressed as a bot itself instead of just a ship. Omega Supreme. If his name was supposed to be an indication of his power, he certainly wasn't showing it, although Scorcher didn't see him fight previously. Perhaps it was mostly Omega Supreme and its power that truly won the battle and the Decepticons took advantage of a weakened warrior. He had no time to contemplate on why Supreme was going down. All he knew was that he should get there before any Decepticons reach him.

Just then, something began raining hell down on Scorcher's position, trying to blow him off of the road. Scorcher avoided the explosions, jumping and shifting back into his robot form. He landed on his knees, sliding along the road for a moment while looking up to see the hostile who just tried to vaporize him.

There in his sight, hovering above the street was the Con covered in white, blue and red plane he did not particularly care for. The so called Second in Command of the Decepticons: StarScream. "Traitor! You will pay for abandoning Lord Megatron!" His annoying voice yelled out, causing Scorcher to sigh as he pulled out one of his revolvers. This was a nuisance, something Scorcher should have taken care of back when Warlord recalled him for his new assignment. StarScream always screamed trouble to Scorcher; always grinding his gears the wrong way. The two aimed their weapons at one another; StarScream's arm blasters locking into position as he hovered in the air, Scorcher's fingers on the triggers.

Scorcher grunted. "I ain't a traitor, Star, I'm a merc. My allegiance is to the highest bidder, unlike you, who swapped sides the moment Megatron came knocking." Scorcher could see StarScream's face twist in displeasure, and the Con screamed, opening fire.

"Shut Up!" The whelp yelled, lowering to the ground as he fired upon Scorcher. Scorhcer moved as soon as the first blast came out of StarScream's weapons, firing his revolvers back at the Con. Scorcher ran towards cover, avoiding StarScream's rain of destruction. Taking cover behind a wall, Scorcher could feel the wall begin to break apart from StarScream's blast rounds, the vibrations pressing against his back.

There was a momentary break in the fire and Scorcher took the chance, looking past the wall and firing the remaining charge in his revolvers. StarScream had began taking cover when Scorcher fired and one of his wings got winged, a small hole forming where the Decepticon symbol had been. The coward yelped in pain, and vanished behind his cover. Scorcher took cover once more, popping open his revolvers to reload. "I would run away if I were you, Scream." Scorcher said as he inserted a charge into one, failing to hear the scream of the Decepticon's engines as he flew away.

Once Scorcher loaded the second revolver, he moved out of cover to fire only to see that StarScream had retreated already. Shaking his head, Scorcher holstered his weapons and jumped, transforming into his vehicle form and heading for the crash site. StarScream had stalled him, and now Omega Supreme would surely be surrounded by Cons now.

Scorcher slowed down as the surrounding city showed signs of destruction, Decepticons more focused on healing their wounded rather than taking care of Scorcher. Scorcher heard the conflict across a raised wall, something Scorcher assumed was once the floor, raised due to Omega's impact. He shifted into a walk and pulled a revolver out, ready to shoot the first con he saw around Omega Supreme. What he saw however was not something he expected.

Omega Supreme kneeling over a battlefield, a massive hole in his chest. Megatron, Soundwave and Breakdown slowly moved over to the defeated Cybertronian. "Omega Supreme's internal shield is down. Use the Dark Engeron to corrupt him." Soundwave's synthetic voice echoed within the makeshift arena.

"I know what to do Soundwave. Be silent, or face my wrath!" Megatron replied, his chassis looking more purple than Scorcher remembered. It looked like there were purple spikes protruding from random places on the Decepticon, showing a form of instability. Suddenly, Megatron raised his arms and pushed his hands forward, a beam of purple smashing into Omega Supreme's chest. Large glowing purple crystals began to form on Omega's chest and joints, his lights flickering as the corruption spread. He fell over and twitched as the Dark Engergon completed its work.

"SYSTEMS: FAILING. CORRUPTION: TOTAL." Omega's voice echoed into the air as the Dark Energon filled his body. Megatron began to laugh as he approached his new tool.

"The Autobot's most powerful weapon AND the key to the core of Cybertron are MINE!" Megatron yelled, jumping onto Omega Supreme. Scorcher could hear faint cheering from outside of the makeshift arena; Decepticons cheering for their powerful overlord. "The universe shall hear my name and TREMBLE!!!" Megatron proclaimed into the sky, fists raised in determination.

Scorcher raised his weapon, ready to blast Megatron's head off, but failed to see that Soundwave had approached him, firing an experimental weapon at Scorcher. The merc could not react in time, getting hit with this strange device. Scorcher felt a surge throughout his entire body and fell over, darkness overtaking him.