Into the Static Frey

Scorcher slowly felt his optics spring to life, revealing his surrounding. He attempted to get up, but felt that his entire frame was extremely heavy, as if the entire Decepticon army was on his back. His audio receptors were going haywire, and once he finally could see, what he saw made no sense.

The world that surrounded him was covered in violent black and white lines, the only thing that stood out of that chaotic world was a strange circle. Scorcher struggled to keep concentration, the static surrounding him driving him mad. He slowly staggered towards the circle to try and get a more clear view, the static around him growing louder as he moved. He covered his audio receptors, grinding through the pain this static was causing him and continuing towards the circle.

He attempted to focus on the circle, seeing the shape clear up a little and seeing that it was not a full circle, but rather it broke off at the bottom and split into two lines. It reminded Scorcher of one of the symbols a scout had brought back from a scouting mission into space. He had said that those symbols were that of one of the languages of a civilization they scouted. He said that the people were humans and that this specific symbol was the final letter in their lexicon.


Just then, a small figure appeared in the static, standing out by becoming a pure black figure against the chaos. Scorcher focused on this being, which looked like it had limbs, but he couldn't tell due to all of the pain this static was causing.

Scorcher fell to his knees, groaning in pain as the loud static burrowed into his mind. The shadowy figure stopped in front of the Cybertronian, and Scorcher could see this being shake his head.


Then it walked away, and the figure and the Omega faded into the static. Scorcher yelled as the static consumed him.