Prime Lost

Scorcher blinked himself awake, seeing the area where Omega Supreme and Megatron once were. He was back in reality; the signs of battle lingering around him. He wasn't sure how long he had been inactive, and was eager to find his squad and employers. He staggered back up to his feet and stumbled out of the arena, the static still toying with his sensors.

Scorcher looked towards the direction he came, seeing the bodies lying about. Autobots cleaning the streets of the Decepticon bodies and piling them up, and organizing the fallen Autobots and recording who was lost during the most recent battle. He then spotted a familiar figure. Standing firmly with her legs side by side, hands holding on to a data pad, and spectacles resting on her smooth face place. Her armor plating was much more vibrant than previously, a mix of orange and red running up and down her body. Celina looked towards Scorcher's and almost dropped her pad. "Boss!" She ran away from what she was doing, leaving an Autobot medic to continue where she left off. She stopped in front of Scorcher, grabbing his face and checking for any damage. "What happened? You look like you were in a rough fight." She asked, focusing on Scorcher's optics, seeing a strange flicker.

Scorcher shut his eyes, waving off her concern. "I'm fine, Celina, just ran into a horde of Cons. Where's Optimus? I need to find him." Celina let her hand drop from his face and looked to her data pad.

"Optimus and his team just reentered the Tower. Apparently Zeta Prime is MIA. Also, the council wants to inform you of the details for your mission." Scorcher nodded, looking past Celina and towards the street.

"Thank you, Celina. Keep helping these guys out. I'll be back to get you when it's time to move out." Scorcher said, patting her on the shoulder before transforming into his car form and rolling out towards the tower. Celina watched him drive off, holding the spot he had patted for a moment before moving back to account the fallen.

After a short drive, Scorcher arrived at the base of the Tower, seeing a rather large pink Cybertronian moving bodies. She wasn't being delicate about it, either, tossing them into piles and out of the walk ways. The pink Cybertronian turned and Scorcher couldn't believe who it was: A.M.Y. A.M.Y.'s face became shocked as well when she saw Scorcher and moved forward. A.M.Y. used to be slightly shorter than Scorcher and similar to Celina's built, light frame and delicate. A.M.Y.'s new chassis looked like she could throw Scorcher halfway across Cybertron without breaking a bolt. She walked up and placed her hands on Scorcher's shoulders, squeezing them tightly. Scorcher could hear the creaking of his shoulders as her hands almost crushed them.

"Scorcher! They gave me an awesome upgrade! Now I can carry a lot more weapons!" A.M.Y.'s voice beamed with excitement. Scorcher nodded, trying to free himself out of her grasp. He finally broke free, and A.M.Y. could see the damage she had done, Scorcher simply rolling his shoulders not seeing the indentations she had left.

"I can see, you look much more intimidating. Glad to see they could help you out." He collected himself, looking to the lift. "Trouble still getting outfitted?"

She nodded, smiling a little. "He looked very shocked to see me come out looking taller than him. It was a sight." She slowly moved back to moving the bodies. "You'll probably run into him up there." She did not wait for a response, focusing back on her task. Scorcher did not reply, simply nodding. He moved to the lift and called it, waiting for it to arrive.

'At least he's alive.' Scorcher thought to himself, remembering how by now the engineers of their squad usually dropped. The ding which notified the arrival of the lift chimed and Scorcher walked on, activating the lift to go to the level where the Council was. He stood still as the lift moved up, thinking on what ever had happened to him when encountering Megatron and his gang. 'What did he shoot me with? Looked like no weapon I've ever seen. too...' Thinking about where he went caused Scorcher to suffer slightly, the noise that filled that realm becoming a small echo in the back of his mind.

The lift arrived at the desired level and it was live with Autobot activity. Understandable since the city was just attacked. Hopefully these freedom lovers will get their gears in order and turn this place unto a proper fortress instead of just a city. he joined the flow, squeezing past groups of Autobots that were either working in the halls or walking to their own destinations. Metal scraped against metal in the crowded hall, causing Scorcher to wince in annoyance. Where were all of these guys when the attack actually happened?

He was dragged out of his train of thought when he saw BumbleBee standing in a relatively empty corridor. Scorcher moved out of the river of bodies to speak with the scout and moved towards him. "Bee, where is Optimus?" Scorcher asked, rubbing his shoulder.

BumbleBee looked up from his data pad, his neutral expression shifting to that of displeasure. "Why should I tell you? It's mighty coincidental that the Decepticons attack right as we hire someone who was just working with them." Scorcher could feel the hostility in Bee's eyes, and he saw his arm twitch a little, indicating that Bee was about to pull something if Scorcher didn't defuse the situation right away.

Luckily, the door to their side opened, Optimus walking out. "It is a coincidence, BumbleBee, what is a surprise is the size of the attack. I assure you, my friend, that our new ally had nothing to do with this attack. Megatron has been planning this since the attack on Trypticon Station." Hearing Optimus' words, BumbleBee seemed to calm down, although his glare on Scorcher did not falter. Optimus then turned to Scorcher, handing him a pad. "The council ordered me to go rescue Zeta Prime, and to give this to you." Scorcher reached out and took it, looking at the somewhat damaged data pad. "It holds the information of Sentinel's last location. I'm also assigning Train Trek to assist you. I would give you more, but we just can't spare the men." Scorcher looked over his shoulder to the hall, noting all of the bodies that just magically appeared, but he held his tongue.

"Alright, Optimus, I'll make sure to bring Sentinel back. In one piece, hopefully." Scorcher said, walking away from the two Autobots and back into the mass of Autobots and attempted to move towards the lift. He activated his intercom, seeing that all of his troops were listening, including Train Trek.

"Alright, guys, meet up at the base of the tower. We have a Prime to track down."