An Unexpected Turn of Events.

Scorcher managed to return to the ground floor, seeing Celina and A.M.Y. standing near the entrance of the tower. He rolled his shoulders and approached them, grunting as he heard something pop. Celina and A.M.Y. turned to face him, Celina showing signs of concern seeing Scorcher grunting in pain. He was showing signs of illness earlier, and that pop should not have been there since Scorcher was somewhat young for a Cybertronian. Celina moved to Scorcher, stopping him in his tracks and placing a hand on his shoulders. "Are you sure you're alright, Scorcher? We've been together for a while and this is all new. You showed no signs of malfunctioning while we worked with the Decep-"

Scorcher grabbed her hand and slowly removed it off of his shoulder. "Celina, I'm alright, just got my wired crossed, it isn't a big issue." Celina gave Scorcher a concerned expression before sighing and lowering her arm. The lift doors opened and the three were introduced to Trouble, or at least they believed he was Trouble based on his physical features. Scorcher couldn't help but compare Trouble to BumbleBee, but where BumbleBee had some vibrant color on his plates, Trouble was completely blank, his plates as chrome as the day he was made. Trouble saw how his comrades were looking at him and groaned.

"I miss my older colors." He complained, looking to his shiny arms, A.M.Y. walked up to him, forcing him to look up to her.

"Yeah, but that would've caused some..." She began, but Scorcher snapped his fingers, the ring causing all of them to look to him.

"No jokes, let's head out." He said, walking past everyone and out into the city. Celina, A.M.Y. and Trouble followed, walking out to see Train Trek waiting for them. Behind the brawny tank was a rebuilt drop ship, no signs of crashing were present, which was great. The plating also looked fresh and new with Autobot insignias on the hull. Scorcher looked towards Train Trek, an expression of bewilderment on his face. "Trek, old pal..." He points to the Autobot markings. "What in the name of the Allspark are those things doing on my ship?"

Train Trek looks to the markings, waves at it and turns back to Scorcher. "I mean if you want to get shot down by us."

"The Decepticons will shoot us down the moment we enter their zones." Scorcher retorted, his voice lined with aggression.

"Just mount up. We'll just shoot them before they get the chance." Train Trek said, climbing up into the vessel. The four looked at their repaired ship then to Scorcher, who growled at the Autobot symbol. Scorcher then turned to his group.

"Well, go on in. Trouble, you pilot." A.M.Y. and Trouble nodded and moved into the drop ship Scorcher then handed the data pad to Celina. "See what that says." Scorcher simply ordered, climbing into the ship and taking a seat near a terminal. Celina followed suit, climbing into the drop ship as the engines roared to life. She sat down and activated the terminal.

She had believed that since the Prime council had given this to Scorcher that it would just have some info regarding Sentinel, but it was actually Sentinel's personal data pad. It was clocked and hand required some hacking into. Celina sighed, then smiled, for it had been some time since she got to hack into anything. Her finger shifted from a normal slender appendage into a small thin tool, inserting it into one of the slots of the pad. Suddenly there was a surge that flowed through her body, startling her, causing her to jump. This was good news, though, it indicated that she was connected, and a few short moments later, she was in.

The data pad screen came to life, and Celina studied the information that flashed before her. As the drop ship took off, the detail she noticed didn't make much sense to her. "Boss, isn't this the location of our headquarters? That mountain we went to before coming to Iacon?" She showed the information to Scorcher, who looked at the coordinated. He then grabbed the data pad out of her hand, her finger getting jerked out, sending another shock through her body. She rubbed her injured finger as Scorcher glared at the location.

"What does my brother have planned?" Scorcher's hands began to crush the data pad, placing it in her lap and moving to the cockpit.

Scorcher opened the door to see Trouble and Train Trek conversing, stopping them and causing them to look towards him. "Trouble, make a heading for the base. Since Warlord did not summon us, we'll have to sneak into the base." Trouble nodded, taking control of the ship and flying manually. Scorcher looked to A.M.Y. and Celina, who were focused on him. "Prepare yourself, team, we're going straight into the fire."