Infiltration of the Mountain

Scorcher watched from the cockpit as the Warden mountain came into view. The peaks of the mountain fell off, revealing large turrets which were rotating to face them. "Trouble, fly closer to the ground. These turrets won't be able to track us down there." Trouble simply controlled the ship, the image of the mountain shifting; the turrets vanishing past the cockpit. The surface quickly approached, and Trouble leveled the ships approach. Scorcher was worried for a moment, believing that Trouble was about to crash for a moment.

"Last time I saw this place, those turrets weren't there. Warlord's given your secret base some teeth, huh?" Train Trek commented, looking back to Scorcher. Scorcher didn't give Trek a reply, because he was waiting for any other signs of defenses Warlord may have installed. The base of the mountain was quickly approaching with no signs of danger.

"Trouble, slow the ship down, and land it once you reach the base of the mountain. Trek, follow me." Scorcher said, leaving the cockpit and into the cabin. A.M.Y. and Celina looked up from what they were doing; Celina from reading a data pad, A.M.Y. cleaning off an Ion Displacer. Scorcher looked to the two then behind him, seeing that Train Trek was waiting to hear his orders.

"Alright, so here is the plan: Trouble will stay with the ship to have it ready for a quick evac. Train Trek and A.M.Y. will stay here until I give a signal to launch an assault. Train Trek knows where the entrance is down here, so follow his lead A.M.Y." A.M.Y. nodded to Scorcher's order. Once he saw that she understood, he continued. "Celina and I will infiltrate through a secret entrance to try and get as deep as we can and disable any security we can."

"Scorch, pal, what will this signal be?" Trek asked, crossing his arms.

Scorcher gave Train Trek a sly gaze, causing Trek to grin as well. "You'll know it when you see it."

Train Trek nods, looking away after Scorcher answered his question. Scorcher then looked towards Celina, who was already on her feet. "Stay behind me and try not to draw attention to yourself once we're in there, alright?" Celina nodded, which Scorcher replied to with a nod. He felt the ship stop, and moved to the hatch. "Train Trek, inform Trouble of what's what, and then you and A.M.Y. move into position." Trek nods and moves to the cockpit. Scorcher opened the hatch and he and Celina hopped out, landing on the ground with one of his weapons in hand.

Scorcher took a look around his surroundings, looking for any of Warlord's "Wardens" Patrolling the mountain. He was surprised that he didn't even see any tracks to indicate there were patrols. Either these patrols weren't leaving tracks, or Warlord was cocky enough to not have patrols defending the perimeter, which felt like the correct option. Celina landed behind Scorcher and the two began moving away from the ship and towards the mountain.

Once the two reached the mountain, Scorcher holstered his weapon and began feeling the face of the mountain, looking for something. Celina kept an eye out for any company that could possibly surprise them, but turned when Scorcher punched the wall and growled in frustration. "Where the hell is it?" he exclaimed as he focused back on the mountain.

"Sir, what exactly are you looking for?" Celina asked, holstering her own weapon and closing the distance.

Scorcher turned around and waved to the part of the mountain where he had just been. "There is supposed to be a hidden panel here which allows us to open the secret passage. I have a feeling that Warlord may have destroyed it." He explained, fury visible on his face. Celina looked to the wall, and thanks to her modifications in her eyes, was able to see this hidden panel. It wasn't destroyed, but covered with extra plates.

Celina held her hand out to Scorcher, catching his attention. "Sir, may I use your sword for a moment?" Scorcher, unsure of what she was going to do, gave her a questionable look. He then pulled the blade out and handed it to her. She gripped the handle and pointed it to the plates covering the panel and swung, cutting the extra metal and revealing the panel Scorcher was searching for. He looked at her and gave her a smile.

"Good work, Celina." He gently grabbed the sword and sheathed it, moving past her and inputting a few commands. Finally, a large portion of the wall slips away, revealing a dark tunnel that leads deeper into the mountain. Scorcher looked towards Celina and nodded to her, then began moving deeper into the dark.