The True Wardens

Scorcher and Celina slowly made there way through the secret entrance, making sure not to trip any other alarms Warlord may have set. Celina had a hand placed on Scorcher's shoulder as they made their way through, scanning the walls for any traps and stopping him when she spotted one. She would then carefully deactivate the trap and then they would move forward.

Scorcher held his hand to the side of his head as the static briefly hindered his sight, filling the dark hall with white spots. Verbally groaning, this caught Celina's attention. "Sir, we should get you checked out. Who knows what Soundwave did to you."

Scorcher shook his head, his vision returning to normal. "I'm fine, I'll check it out once the True Wardens retake this mountain." He faced forward, seeing a light through the darkness. He moved forward until the room became visible, the shape of a large figure came into view. The two continued forward until they reached the threshold and entered the room, emerging into a large ancient decrepit hall. The large figure was a large Warden, armored in an unfamiliar way to Celina, appearing to look as if they were the ways of old, where a certain few protected Cybertronians from the wild beasts of Cybertron and those who were stuck in the wild ways of the past.

"What is that statue" Celina asks, walking past Scorcher and studying the armored statue, focusing on the blade that it held.

Scorcher moved past the statue and towards a sealed off corridor, typing on the keypad. "It is a depiction of a True Warden. The armor is inspired off of an older human design." Celina turns her head to look at Scorcher.

"What is that?"

Scorcher stops typing, somewhat surprised at this revelation. "Right, you're still somewhat young," He returns to his task. "They are an organic species rather small, about the size of a glitch-mouse compared to you and I. From what the scouts have told me, they are very intelligent and have leaped in regards of technology compared to when we saw them as that." The keypad lights up, and the door slowly creeks open, signs of rust visible where the doors interlock.

As the doors slide open, Celina looks back to the statue, studying the blade and seeing a slight similarity with Scorcher's own sword. "This blade looks familiar."

Scorcher turns to see the blade, trying to focus on the statue's weapon and avoid the static that surrounds his peripheral vision. "Yes it does." The door opens completely, and he begins moving into the corridor. Celina follows soon after.