
Scorcher and Celina slowly made their way through the unused halls, the brown coloration covering the walls. Scorcher was disgusted by what he saw, seeing how Warlord had just abandoned the ancient sections of the base. All of this sacred ground left to rust. The Warden's previous leadership would execute Warlord for his atrocious actions.

Suddenly there was a loud screeching noise which caused the two to stop moving forward. After moment of waiting, they heard the screeching sound once again, which sent a chill down Scorcher's metallic spine.

"What is that?" He heard Celina ask behind him, confirming that it wasn't just something the static was throwing at him.

"Well, from the sound of it, it sounds like the disassembly of a Cybertronian." Scorcher muttered, readying his revolvers. The two slowly approached the corridor where the sound seemed to be coming from slowing their speed when the sound echoed out once more. When the two moved to the passage way, they saw what exactly was causing that noise.

As they peered down the passageway, they were witness to one of the newer "Wardens" tearing apart the deceased body of a True Warden; their arms and megs torn off and thrown to the side, the floor pooling with the Wardens internal liquids. Seeing one of his fellow Wardens being slaughtered like this infuriated Scorcher, causing him to approach the savage warden. Celina attempted to stop him, but he was already halfway there when she moved.

The savage turned around, alerted to the approaching being due to his foot falls. The hostile dropped what he was doing and grabbed the handle of his axe only for Scorcher to place the barrel of his weapon to his head and pull the trigger. The hostile warden dropped to the floor, his fluids mixing with that already on the floor. Scorcher glared at the savage with hatred, holstering his pistols and grabbing the axe of the enemy. Gripping the handle tightly, he swung the axe into the dead body, the grinding metal sound echoing out as the blade met the corpse. Celina approached the raging Scorcher as he shredded the enemy's body to bits. Celina, trying not to get hit with a recoiling swing, grabbed Scorcher's arm, stopping his onslaught. Scorcher turned violently, his blue eyes strangely changing to red. His whole face was twitching, and only looking to Celina did he seem to begin to relax. His face began to not twitch and his eyes slowly lost their red color and returning to normal.

Dropping the axe suddenly, Scorcher pulled his arm away and moved past the bodies, entering a dark hall. Celina wanted to stop him, but she knew it would be useless. She followed, readying her weapon once more. Scorcher moved with purpose, walking past all of the chambers. Celina took a moment to look at the chambers and realized something.

Each doorway was barred, and each room had many bodies in them.

Some began to move as Scorcher stormed past.

Celina increased her speed, catching up with Scorcher. The two were approaching a rather crude terminal. Scorcher walked up to this terminal and saw that it only had a few buttons on it. He growled, punching it and destroying the terminal. After the destruction, all of the cell doors slowly opened, and those who were alive walked out. Scorcher and Celina watched as the prisoners walked out, showing signs of Energon deficiency.

"They need power." Celina said, preparing to share some of her power with the nearest one.

"No." Scorcher said, grabbing Celina's arm, stopping her. She turned in confusion, but her emotion quickly changed to fear after seeing Scorcher's hate fueled expression. "There are plenty of fresh bodies in the hangar these guys can syphon energy from." Scorcher readied his revolvers and turned, heading for a cleaner door. Celina shuddered at the thought, but prepped her weapon as well, following Scorcher. Some of the more stable Wardens prepared their own weapons, creating blades from their armor and following the two saviors.

Scorcher stopped in front of the panel for the door, inputting codes to open the passageway. He looked back and saw Celina as well as a few Wardens behind him, ready to bring the pain on their captors. Scorcher grinned, and his eyes flickered as he pressed the confirm button.