Unexpected Declaration


|| CHAPTER 21 | Unexpected Declaration ||

"Say, how would you feel when your loved one is about to be taken away by others?

"It may be because of hatred.

"It may be due to jealousy and envy.

"It may even be due to anger and wrath that had taken over one's heart and corrupted it.

"I, personally, would think that those who loved their precious ones genuinely would either let them go and let them be free–– the freedom to choose and free of the chains that once had bound them.

"However, do note if they are taken by force, the Spirit Wielders wouldn't hesitate to track you down 'till the end of the world."


"What are you looking at, Kizuki-san?" Eito inquired, genuinely curious at what the older male was looking at. 

"Hmm? Oh, nothing~ And we've arrived, Eito."

True to his words, they had arrived at the previous battlefield they stood on. With past footprints left behind, the two Head Clans made their way to the rest of the group.

Three Ichijou males were seen to have finished wiping out all the cloaked men, leaving none behind. The other two clans had arrived as well while the certain two Head Clans were away.

"Where were you two?" a honey-blonde-haired man interrogated the two males.

"I've been searchin' for this one ya know. Blame him if you wanna blame me," Kizuki retorted with annoyance audible in his voice, a frown visible on his fair face. He brought his hand up as he cracked his neck to the sides, stretching his limbs and grunted.

The honey-blonde frowned as well, shifting his attention to the younger Spirit Wielder. "Is that true, Eito?"

"Yes, it is." Eito sighed and closed his eyes, continuing, "And you're starting to sound like the old man, stop it. I can very well take care of myself."

"Haa... What will I do with you two?" Eito and Ryuusei, the honey-blonde Ichimori, walked back to the others.

Mitsuru took the time to fill them in on what had happened in a short period both of them were gone.

While the three Ichijou siblings were fighting off the fully-cloaked men, Kaoru joined in as Yuzuru and Kazuto were having some troubles. They got hurt a little, but there's nothing Kaoru couldn't heal!

Of course, that was an exaggeration.

While Kaoru was known for his talent and ability to heal almost any injury, there was a few that even he couldn't recover. It was a matter of knowledge and flexibility to him, where he would venture out into the wild to find the correct herbs to use. He would rather find them himself than counting on another.

Ryuusei helped to protect the children with Mitsuru, while Kizuki went off to find the brunet, unnoticed by the others. Kaizou turned into his fox form as he defeated some of the men, only with several swipes of his giant forming claws.

In the process, the two remaining clans that had yet to gather before, arrived at the scene, consisting of the Ichinosuke Clan and the Ichinose Clan.

Keita, the aqua-haired male, helped Mitsuru and Ryuusei to fend off the robed men from reaching the children, seeing as one of his little sisters was here too.

Only him and another female with similar features came along with Kaien.

Eito recognized her as Ichinosuke Chii, the second youngest of the main family of Ichinosuke. Seiya also came with his father, Ryoku, and his older sister, Iroha.

The female Ichinose had slick black hair and the same xanthous eyes. Iroha was wearing her neat mage robe and her staff was held by her right hand. Seiya and Keita were both still wearing their school uniform, with Seiya not wearing his school coat.

Though with the large number of members attending the meeting, it wasn't such a bad thing due to the help they needed to fare off the unexpected demons and enemies.

Seiya and Iroha, along with their father fought off the men, replacing Kazuto and Yuzuru. The three children, consisting of Kiryuu, Kishi, and Mizuki arrived not long, asking frantically for help–– well... the only one's frantic was Mizuki.

Kiryuu was quite calm and Kishi was serious at that time.

And all that led to the present time.


Eito was brought out of his thoughts by the deep voice of the demons' leader.

'Well, humans, let's finish this once and for all, shall we? I'm especially aiming for that human child,' he pointed his sharp claws into the direction of a resting honey-blonde-haired boy. The pointed boy raised his head, glaring at the demon.

"Try and get me then," Ruka spat.

From the poisonous tone the young man used, it was obvious that he was still furious about what happened to Kyou.

'... Hmph, you're the one who defeated Uellosia, huh? As the only female in this particular group I brought, she was one of the strongest ones and was granted a more suitable power to match with her soul than the others,' the Leader demon explained.

Venom was audible in his voice, lacing every letter that was spat out.

'Too bad her transformation wasn't complete–– just like those men you defeated back in that forest. They were stronger than the average human too.'

Ruka's pair of ocean-blue eyes quivered in slight anger.

"You're wrong about me defeating her."

The leader raised an eyebrow at his statement.

It was something he didn't hear every day. Another one other than the Head Clans and the heirs, defeating one of his strongest ones? Impossible.

Ruka, Kaoru, and Kiryuu were the only heirs present. To the KING's knowledge, neither Kiryuu nor Kaoru had enough physical or even magical power to defeat Uellosia. They didn't hold the attacker's position, after all.

'Hmm? You're the one who I sensed have the most power aside from the Head Clans. Is there someone stronger than you, perhaps, Child?' he inquired firmly, burning holes into the honey blonde boy's head with his lacerating stares. He gathered the rest of his energy trying to stand up.

"If you're referring to her, then yes. There is someone stronger than me and she was the one who defeated that crazy, old woman."

With a vicious hiss at the end, the young Ichimori smirked at the leader's reaction.

The KING narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue subtly.

'... Well, where is this girl then?' the KING demanded loudly. Ruka shivered and trembled, but he stood his ground tall.

"You're going to have to get past us first before you get to the girl," Ryuusei interrupted their debates, stepping in front of his son instead. One of his arms spread wide before Ruka–– a small gesture to show that he wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

"There is no room for complaints. I'm not going to let you touch my future daughter-in-law one bit, you damned beast," Kaien declared with such presence, very clearly, causing the whole group to widen their eyes at this.


Keita sighed audibly at his father's odd and questionable antics, going back to treating Ruka and Kiryuu. He decided to ignore Kaien's statement to avoid any further questions, but it seemed that his 'ignorant' action backfired.

Kaoru's eyebrow twitched profusely at the aqua-haired man as he tended to Kyou, casting a healing spell on the unconscious boy.

He was tempted to stride over to where the Head of the Ichinosuke Clan stood and chop his head off right then and there. But alas, his responsibility to heal Kyou and his position as an heir didn't allow him to do so.

He would if he got the chance to, though.


"WHY IN GAIA'S NAME ARE YOU NOT DENYING HIM??!!" Yuzuru and Kishi queried with blazing flames visibly raging in the background.


"All right, stop right there you two," Iroha interrupted and blindly got a hang of their collars as they tried to struggle free from her grasp.

"ACK!! Iroha-san!!"

"Gah!! Let us go, Woman!! We need to find out the truth!!" Kishi debated and continued, "Get your ass here, Ichinosuke Keita!!"

The said boy sweat-dropped and said nothing in response, leaving the rest for Iroha to handle. Keita was somewhat grateful that the woman was there in his time of need–– though it was rare for him to see her stand up to anyone other than Mizuki and Shizuka.

Iroha sighed. "You can ask your questions later, boys. Right now, we have much more important stuff to attend to."

"That's right. Although, I can't deny that I am a bit annoyed at your declaration, Ichinosuke Kaien," Ryoku stated while smiling. However, much to everyone's dismay, his vexed aura didn't contrast much from theirs.

"Uhm..." Mizuki was a bit lost as she sweat-dropped at their banters. "L-Let's not fight, shall we? H-Hahaha..."

"Don't think about it too much, Mizu-chan. We're not going to let those wolves (men) land their filthy hands on our girl!!" Iroha announced, raising her fist with a murderous look on her pale-yellow eyes.


The younger girl laughed nervously, playing with the hem of her school skirt. Though she can't deny it either, she won't like it if her best friend, Shizuka, got 'eaten' by those men that Iroha called 'wolves.'

'Hmm... You, humans, do have the guts to ignore us like that. I wouldn't be surprised if you do so when there are other chances of living waiting,' the KING voiced and growled in annoyance.

'If you won't hand the girl that you mentioned before, then I'm just going to kill every one of you until I get my hands on her...' his deep voice echoed loudly again in their heads, causing some to hold their ears and head. It was of no use, unfortunately.

"Well then, shall we get started now, gentlemen?" the Head of the Ichijou Clan suddenly remarked, a slight smirk visible on his face while his gold eyes narrowed at the KING. 

"I did promise my daughter that I'll take care of you, so I'll do just that. KING, your opponent is me, alone," Eito confidently declared to the KING, earning nods from the others.

"Then we'll deal with the ten of 'em, huh? You, kids, can handle the underlings," Kizuki ordered, warming up his arms and legs. "You always take the best parts Eito, you know that? Well, can't really blame you. I'm getting quite old."

"Ichisaki-san, you're not that old. You're not even a grandpa yet!!!" Kumo shouted, finally relaxing after his long wails.

"Huh, you ain't cryin' anymore. Good to see you back in shape then, Kumo-kun," the violet-eyed man ignored the boy's statements. Kumo flushed his face as red as a tomato.

"H-HAAAAHHHH??!! I'm always in good shape!! Wh-What the hell are you talkin' about, Old Man??!!"

"Kumo, your manners," Ruka scolded lightly, still replenishing his energy.

"HMPH!!" Kumo pouted and walked away, sitting beside Mizuki and Iroha. "There, there~" Mizuki rubbed circles around Kumo's back, comforting him while Iroha just chuckled at his behaviour.

"Jeez, what a labile temperament you got there. Boy, oh, boy..."


On the other side, as the thunder growled and the flashing lightning clouds roared, the demons awaited their king's command.

A certain Ichijou was hovering over an unconscious yellowish-white-haired Keeper. With long platinum-blonde locks pulled down by gravity, Ichijou Shizuka wore an unreadable visage.

The Keeper's face was visibly frowning as he sweated waterfall everywhere.

To see him suffer in that sleeping state, the Ichijou couldn't help but pity him deep down. If her powers were capable of helping, she would do anything to help soothe his fears and misery. But it didn't help much due to the fact that Spirit Wielders were bound to be cursed, one way or another.

Exhaling softly, Shizuka made sure that she was invisible to others. Her presence and power were also hidden no one knew she was there.

Such technique was learnt through the hellish training of her grandfather–– she wouldn't dare to admit that she hated it.

Glancing at Seimei, Shizuka kept to herself, 'A nightmare, huh?'

She tapped her index finger to Seimei's forehead. The sweats evaporated whilst his frown was also replaced with a peaceful look. Shizuka smiled softly.

The female looked towards a particular maroon-haired male, "unconscious" and unmoving beside them. She already told Yuuma she was already there after telling her father, so he knew not to worry about the young lady.

'Should I activate it now?' she asked herself while considering her choices, 'Will it be okay though? I've never tried it on anybody other than my family, much less a ghost!'

Sensing her hesitation, Yuuma spoke up, 'You're going to be all right, Shizuka-sama. I have faith in you–– we all do.'

Discontentment was visible on her face as she tried to decide to use her spell or not. However, it would be a lie to say that the butler's words didn't comfort her. Nodding, Shizuka thanked him, 'Thank you, Yuu-san.'

She closed her gossamery smalt eyes and conversed with Yuuma mentally.

'Yuu-san. I'm going to do it now.'

'Understood. I pray for your safety, Shizuka-sama. I shall proceed with my plan and you with yours.'

Satisfied at Yuuma's quick response, she tapped her finger lightly once more on Seimei's forehead. She closed the gap between her and the spirit, whispering the one spell feared by others:

"... Dream Weaver Magic: Spectre's Key..."


It was then when she opened her eyes, her vision went white wholly.

No, it wasn't her vision that went white. It was simply that she's now in a whole other dimension, another world–– the world of one's hidden self.

It looked like it was drawn as a boy was sitting in the corner of the room. With knees hugged close and his head sinking into it, the boy looked so... sorrowful.

Small weeps and sobs were heard by her as she walked closer.

The figure was pitch black, contrasting with the white room. Even if she walked closer, he was still black, so she figured that he's indeed neither a silhouette nor a shadow. He was the epitome of a void, the same black stains no matter from which way Shizuka gazed at him.

Her fair-toned hand reached for the boy's head as she proceeded to sit next to him.

The male didn't move an inch when she ruffled his long black hair. She called his name gently as she looked at him sideways.


|| CHAPTER 21 | Unexpected Declaration - To be continued... ||
