Our Story: Spirit Wielders

Fantasy289 Chapters765.4K Views
Author: Xierryne
Table of Contents



"Wrong my people, you will taste misery and despair. Wrong my loved ones, you will taste suffering and never-ending pain. Wrong my family, you will taste something worse than death itself. Mark my words."

Ichijou Shizuka, a fifteen-year-old girl living her life as a Spirit Wielder and a student, is known as both a genius in art and magic.

Being the "Grand Summoner" of the Ichijou Clan, how will Shizuka face the twisted reality where she can't use magic again? What will she do to fix that?

What was the cause of her mother and sister's deaths? Was there someone behind it? How will she react to the bitter reality fate has brought to her? What will she do when she stands face to face with her brought-up pasts?

"The Law" that bound the clans and tribe for who-knows-how-long–– straining their freedom in their lives and throwing away possible options for them to take.

Will they free themselves? Would they want to, though? The power that was given in an exchange for their freedom–– only to become one's chains and prison.

Follow the adventures of the young Spirit Wielder and her friends on their journeys, finding their true goal in life while rescuing spirits along the way. 



•⠀This is BOOK 1 of the "Our Story" Series. It is not completed and is still serializing. Some arcs might be longer than others, as there are battles and details involved. The other books for the series will come when this book is finished.

•⠀The picture I used for the cover is not mine, it belongs to its artist(s). If you are the artist(s) and you want me to take the picture down, I will gladly do so~! Or you can perhaps notify me to give you proper credit(s)!

•⠀This is a work of fiction, none of it is real. If there are any similarities in organizations' names or a person's name, they are all purely accidental.

•⠀This story will be updated when I have time, based on the server time (17.00 GMT+8).

•⠀Under the stage of editing: typos, grammar mistakes, miscast of words, etc. I apologize if you become confused or even received so many notifications for it.

•⠀Some of the characters' names might use spellings for Japanese names.



•⠀There will be some killings and blood involved.

•⠀There will also be "slight" cursing, so... brace yourselves.

•⠀Mentions of blood, demons, killing, death, etc. will be up ahead.

•⠀Anime, Japanese, Latin, Greek, and other references from various countries (honorifics, symbols, myths, etc.) will be used in this book and will be altered a bit to match the plot. So, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

•⠀Some lines of the characters might be disturbing to some (demons' lines, maniacal laughter, mentions of killing, etc.). 

•⠀Please mind these warnings before reading the story. You have been warned.

•⠀If you're starting to feel sick when reading for too long or staring at your screen for a while, please stop reading immediately as your health is more important.


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Started: August 9th, 2020

Completed: ???


24 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

Hmm, I am shamelessly giving myself a 5 stars review since I enjoy writing this story and enjoy how it goes at the same time, but readers all have different opinions on books and the genres they like. For this particular book, I wouldn't say that it's exactly perfect. It doesn't use beautiful words like other books I've read as well. I'm only using words available in my vocabulary. From my experience, those who are not native to English have a hard time understanding difficult words and words that are rarely heard in daily lives, such as myself. I have a hard time understanding them, so I would take that into consideration since I know that not all readers are native English speakers. Also, I may have chosen the "Fantasy-Romance" genre for this book. However, must I remind you, this book will mostly focus on the adventure, fantasy, and action aspects rather than romance. That said, I will slip in a few moments of romance into my story, even though I have no idea how to write one, hehe... (forgive me as I have no experience whatsoever in writing romance-related lines and plots). I would say that this book will be leaning mostly towards Anime and Japanese terms, such as dividing the volumes into story arcs and whatnot. However, I will also be using other mythologies and legends from all over and use them as inspiration in my book. Their names might be the same, but their background would not. I am hoping that I will be able to bring readers into my story, as I believe that a good story is a story that's able to bring its readers into its world as if they're living in that world. I AM writing this story out of pure imagination and ideas from watching Animes, reading other books, and looking at pictures or even my own experiences. And with this shameless review, I hope you can enjoy my book~! - Xierryne Author's Note: - I will wait for your honest reviews in the reviews section. - I will try to improve myself more and expand my vocabulary as I write this book. - You are free to point out my typos, misspellings, or even grammatical mistakes. I will try my best to fix them as fast as I can. - This book is still under editing stage when I write this review, so please bear with the typos and mistakes still visible in this book. I am not the best author out there, but I will try to make this book a fun ride for you guys! Thank you so much for giving my book a chance~! Happy Reading~!

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

3 years ago

Wow, just wow. This story has a large world building and it’s very descriptive in both characters and its world. I enjoy the FL and the struggles, the magic, the sense of family in this novel. The author has done a great job! If you read this, you can definitely picture it as a show from scene to scene! Keep it up Author!

4 years ago

I think I gotta write the review now cuz the story hooked me up, and I have not finish reading the whole stuff! The plots are good, the descriptions are on point, i might have a bit trouble remembering who and who at first cause too many characters appear at the same time🤣 And I like the long chapters!! made the wait worth! please keep it up, author! Im gonna anticipate the upcoming ones

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

I. Am. Loving. Everything. About. This. Book!!! XD From the characters to the descriptions and details, everything just wows me!! Keep it up, Author-chan!! ^^

4 years ago

I like, scratch that, LOVE everything about his book!!! So much details and world-building. Nothing is perfect, so i don't mind some of the mistakes. Everyone makes mistake, so yeah. You have to read this book, i'm surprised it doesn't receive that much reviews XD

4 years ago

A perfect fantasy. The words itself makes you want to live in the magical world. I didn't realize this but the super detailed world building transported me into the world the author has created. The long chapters can be tedious for some but the lively characters are worth reading for.

4 years ago

This book is really amazing! I came here after i read the author's bc fanfic, and i say... this book got me hooked up, especially when im not a fan of original stories. But this one is just perfecto for me! The plots are really nice, and a lot of details put in into each chapter. The characters are unique and they have their own sides and personalities which complements each other. Im a big fan of Japanese characters, fantasy, and magic, just like bc. This story is an amazing combination of the three of them! Great work author!! I recommend those who like Animes and magic fantasies or something along the line to read this book!!! 10 our of 5 from me.

4 years ago

Oh!! This is soo good for the fantasy genre! I like how the author explains the detail of the characters. I definitely will recommend this to my friends who are into fantasy. Great job author!

4 years ago

A really amazing story with unique characters. Though the reads are a lot, there are only a few reviews, so i'm rating it a full five. If i can votefor a powerstone, i would give you a LOT. Overall, great work!

4 years ago

I have no words! This story is amazing, and i recommend you all fantasy readers to read this book~! The characters are amazing, and i am also somehow relating to the MC very much! There are so many readers! I can't believe only a few of them reviewed this book. I command you all to review and rate this story XD No, but seriously.

4 years ago

This story is so well executed and I am absolutely intrigued! you write so well, miles ahead better than what I hope to write. this is truly a very well developing novel and I am thoroughly enjoying it. the traditions and attire are simply well coordinated and the descriptions are so very vivid. you have amazing world building execution and I hope to learn from you how to execute mine. this book is really a favourite of mine now.

4 years ago

A very expressive novel with a ton of worldbuilding. I appreciated the story spending just enough time on the family dynamics but not getting too mired down in unnecessary details.

4 years ago