Dimensions Gates


'What are you doing here, young one?'

The platinum-blonde-haired girl stared wide-eyed at the man behind her. He had the same white hair and gold eyes, just like Ashtivar, Asteroth, and Rugatheout. So, Shizuka concluded that he must be one of the Children of the Stars.

'Um... May I ask who you are?'

The man laughed merrily, placing his hands on his hips, 'Hoho, I'm sorry, young one! I forgot to introduce myself~!' He placed his right hand on his chest while slightly bowing down, 'My name is Toronthus. I am the Fourth Child of the Stars~'

He was wearing similar clothing like Asteroth, with a white cloth tied around the waist by a gold chain. Toronthus' feet were bare and he was wearing straps of brown around his forearm. His hair was short and his complexion was fair.