A Fitting Weapon


[Friday, 14th of August, 2020]




How did it even get to this? What even were those? Right now, the students of class 1-6 were standing beside each other in a horizontal line, with all sorts of weapons in front of them. A tall, muscular were-dog with steel-blue hair and onyx eyes.

His muscular arms were... muscular. How am I supposed to describe it then? Buff? Brawny? Yeah, probably all that.

"I believe I haven't introduced myself yet, woof."

'"Woof?!"' the kids tried to held their laughs in, their shoulders shaking from time to time. Even the stoic Isseiris and the always angry Orion thought it was funny.

"My name is Orthons Kolleidore, woof! In my class, you're going to study the use of weapons, and the first step to that is to choose the one that fits you, woof! Make sure you're comfortable with the weapon before you spar."