Analysis (Pt. III)


Yuzuru's hands became shrouded in violet flames. When he touched the minion demons, they were burnt alive in the spirit flames that Yuzuru possessed. Orion used a flamethrower coming out of his mouth as if he was a dragon or even a fire lizard.

"Ho~ Nice one, Orion!" Yuzuru grinned and he continued to massacre the little demonic creatures that honestly seemed too creepy for the likes of Yuzuru and Orion combined.

"These little things are really starting to get on my nerves," Orion complained, kicking some far, FAR away.

"Tell me about it. There's no end to them!"

One big hit was all Yuzuru needed as the wave force tumbled all the minions down. He clenched his fists in victory, shouting strings of compliments to himself for some reason.