A Vision of Closed Eyes


Black covered the vision of her sight entirely. No, now it's blue. Dark-blue? Indigo. Wait, now it's red-- crimson and blood-like. No, it changed colours. Now it's gold and every shade of yellow filled the space. Green, violet, soft pastels, beige, azure-- white.

It was a room of colours.

Shizuka stood there with a simple sleeveless white dress to be worn. Her long platinum-blonde locks draped over her shoulders and dangled down her back. They reached her waist, straight and silky.

Her fair complexion made her look more like a snow spirit with the help of her white dress and bright light-tone tresses. Shizuka looked around and thought to herself, 'Is this the same place to when I met Toron-san and Aster-san before? Because the dress is the same...'