The End of the Agreement


 "Why, you--!!!"

A small familiar shriek halted the queen from continuing her threat. Queen Taruleah snapped her head back with fury. Her eyes landed on the tiny mouth with shark teeth the Plainswaiver had on its sphere-like body. The teal glow it emitted went on and off for some reason.

"Tch, can't you be quiet?"

The queen swung her arm at the Divine Core but was held back by another. A smaller hand gripped onto hers, tightly and firm. Taruleah clicked her tongue and looked at the one who did it. "Yllisiah! Let go of my hand. When did I ever allow you to touch me, you vile human?!"

Yllisiah let go of the woman's hand without a word, still standing between the core and the mermaid with her usually stoic face. The smirk that was once there turned sour. "Forgive my act, my queen. But I will repeat my message-- he forbid you to make contact with the Plainswaiver. If you do, then the agreement's cancelled."