Regrouping (Pt. III)


Taro roared again in reply as it brought the group faster. The town they're supposed to stay in was already in view. The group didn't seem to realize their tenseness. But, as soon as Elloise exhaled in relief, the others relaxed as well.

"All right, try to contact them from this distance, Ki-chan," Shizuka instructed. The rest were keeping their eyes down below, trying to see if they could see the rest of their classmates. Doesn't hurt to try, right?

"Shizuka, take Taro's reins. I need my energy for this," Kishi ordered which the girl happily complied to.

"Yosh, Taro, glad to be working with you~" Shizuka gently spoke in a sing-song tone, earning a roar of acknowledgement from the translucent tiger. The platinum-blonde-haired girl giggled giddily in return, leading Taro to hover above the town with her group behind them.