Her "Other Self"



"WHERE ARE THEY?!" Orion cut Vinnetra off as he (They) saw that none of the Antheroses was there where they left them. Not even Winspher, herself.

"Did they leave us?" the platinum-blonde girl questioned no one in particular as she looked around the area, trying to find the mini Antheroses.

"They can't do that...! They promised us!!!" Vinnetra exclaimed furiously and ruffled his raven-black hair, "Arghhh!!! This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder!!!"

"I pray that this day is just a dream... Huff..." Shizuka flopped to the ground as she looked up, only to see Isseiris looking at her from above.

"..." the light-blue-haired boy said nothing as he gave the girl some berries, which she gratefully accepted. As the two of them sat next to each other, snacking on some berries, Orion and Vinnetra searched around to find some clues.

"Oi!! Don't just sit there!! Help us would ya'?!" Orion exclaimed as he dragged the two of them with him.

"I'm tired..."

"I'm sleepy..." the two of them replied at the same time while Vinnetra stared at them in shock, his mouth hanging down.

"The great and perfect Isseiris Michaelis Caraell is tired??? I get that Shizuka is sleepy since she's not that good at physical activities, but still..."

"Hey!! I'm not... that... bad..." she trailed off as she looked away and mumbled, "Okay, maybe I am..." Isseiris chuckled a little as the girl beside him.

"And Isseiris laughed more, huh? You used to never laugh or show any emotion in class," Vinnetra peered into the light-blue-haired male, causing him to back up a bit, uncomfortable with the close distance between them.

"Maybe Issei-san laughs more outside?" the girl guessed innocently as she too, peered into the taller male's face, causing him to blush more.

"Alright, stop it right there. We need to rest. We can search for the Antheroses in the morning," Orion ordered and he let go of the two tired kids.




They set up the campfire not long after and went to sleep. At least to of them did. Isseiris slept under one tree with his arms crossed and his head leaning behind. Shizuka was close beside him as she hugged her knees and cushioned her head on them.

Orion and Vinnetra stayed awake as they watched the campfire. The night was coloured red and yellow from the reflection of the fire. Orion fiddled with some knives as Vinnetra ate some berries, looking upon the night sky.

"Hng..." the platinum-blonde-haired girl woke up and rubbed her crystal blue eyes. Looking around, crystal-blue orbs locked with vivid-red ones as the male stood up, alerting the lying black-haired male.

"What? Something there-- oh. Shizuka, you're awake?"

"I can't sleep... Though my eyes are sleepy..." she yawned afterwards as she opened her eyes, seeming completely awake to the two boys.

"Really? You don't seem sleepy though..." Vinnetra looked at her crystal-blue eyes intensely as she sweatdropped at his behaviour.

Orion sensed her discomfort as he smacked the poor boy's head, as he held his head. "Yeouchhhh!!! OI!!" Vinnetra yelped as tears were threatening to pour out.

"Shhh!!" the girl silenced the two boys as she glanced at the sleeping male beside her. They let out sighs of reliefs as the light-blue-haired boy stayed asleep, "Haa..."

"Why are YOU sighing?! You're the one who screamed!!" Orion whisper-yelled at the black-haired male while he retorted back, "Haa?! You're the one who smacked me!!!" Vinnetra whisper-yelled again, careful not to wake the sleeping boy.

"You're the one who invaded her personal space!!"

"What is with you and personal space?!"

"You are making her uncomfort--"

The two was stopped by the girl's hand separating their heads. She could practically see sparks flying everywhere. Maybe they could even set the forest on fire with their stares alone.

'Haa... If only looks could kill... Oh wait, it can. That is... if you have a certain magic.'

The three children stopped arguing and went back to sleep-- Wait...




"Is it okay if you guys sleep too? Should I stay awake?" the raven-black-haired male asked as he stopped preparing to sleep.

"Nah, no need. I've already set a trap," Orion smirked and said smugly as he went to bed, well... not literally. They're in a forest in another Magic Space, for Gaia's sake!!!

"A trap?" Vinnetra and Shizuka tilted their heads in confusion as they watched the ash blonde-haired male go to sleep. "Don't think about it too much... Go to sleep," the ash-blonde shooed the two away from him as they reluctantly went away.


Shizuka went back to her spot beside Isseiris as she glanced at him once in a while. She saw how peaceful he looked as he slept. She sighed and tried to sleep once more.

Trying her previous position didn't work so she tried laying down. She cringed as her loose white t-shirt got dirty from the dirt she was lying on. She tossed and turned for a while before sitting up.

'Great... Just great... I CAN'T sleep, my clothes are DIRTY, and I'm WIDE awake,' she grunted lowly, careful not to wake the others who had fallen asleep pretty quickly. She stood up and looked at the three sleeping boys, envy in her eyes as she thought to herself,

'Must be nice to be sleeping so peacefully without always waking up in the middle of the night, huh?' she wondered to the vast field they were in before. Where the Antheroses used to be...

The platinum-blonde-haired girl stared at the beautiful starry night sky. She reached her hands towards the wide night sky as she smiled at it. 'How pretty... Oh, how I wish I could draw you right now...'

She sighed as she sat down, hugging her knees close to her like they're going to disappear if she let go of them. She stared at the sky with sad eyes, a tear slipped down as she touched her wet fair cheeks. She tapped them lightly several times before looking at her, now wet, hands.

"Eh...? Why am I crying...?"

Shizuka rubbed her crying eyes, but the tears won't stop coming as she realized why she was crying. She sobbed quietly as she could. She turned to the sky with her teary crystal-blue eyes.

"Yuzu-nii... Mizu-nii... Where are you...?"

Shizuka stood up and rubbed her eyes, making them puffy and red. The "platinum-blonde-haired girl" muffled "her" sudden scream with "her" eyes turning into bright gold. The urge to do it just forced her to do so, even if she didn't want to.




"Why...? Why...?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

|| To be continued… ||
