A Spider's Den


Yuzuru and Shizuka approached the tree with curiosity lacing their features. Yuzuru's inquisitiveness got the best of him when he climbed the tree first without waiting for his sister. The female Ichijou didn't really complain and looked away for one other.

"Now... where is Mizu-nii..." she mumbled to herself, circling the tree and walked to the other side. Her crystal-blue orbs laid on the figure she was looking for, crouching down by a bald patch between grasses.

She formed a small "o" with her mouth and cooed, "Mizu-nii, what are you doing?" The female leaned to the side, letting her hair fall beside her with gravity. Mizuto only hummed in response and spared Shizuka a late glance. "Ah, Shizu, are you done searching your area?"

"Yeah, Ki-chan and I found the torch, probably. I'm not sure yet, though. Ki-chan needs to get out of the tree to report," Shizuka informed with indolence, crouching down beside the light-blue-eyed boy.