Analysis (Pt. I)


[Monday, 31st of August, 2020]

As promised, the khaki-brown-haired teacher told Isseiris and Shizuka, along with the awoken Riveria all about their plan to get out of the Space they're trapped in. Well, it's more of a task divider rather than a plan, really.

Asuma let each group construct their own strategy and plan, seeing how little their time was. Considering their pursuers would attack any second, they would have to create an effective plan as fast as possible.

"So, me, Issei-san, Zan-san, and Rea-san will explore the ruin we found?" Shizuka concluded, writing their names down on her Mophorix Layer. A stoic expression was placed on her fair face, showing her seriousness.

"That's right. I believe you can do it?"

"Yes, I can." She looked up and smiled small towards Asuma, assuring him, "I'll do my best, Ashitaka-sensei."