Burying the Empty Vessels


Cynorus flinched and almost shrieked when he heard the screeches of the men he guessed were the ones facing his master and the other female human. He actually sent glares to the direction where the two went, knowing that they wouldn't be able to feel his intense stare.

Rubbing the upper side of his arms did no comfort as the tingling feeling of curiosity got the best of him. Turning to the side, the angel's vision was met with a rather composed one. "You're not surprised?" Cynorus began with raised eyebrows, resting his weight onto his braced hands.

Keita only spared the fallen angel a glance before looking at the direction Seiya went off to with an unreadable expression. A sigh escaped his mouth and his visage turned sour. "This is normal. Sei's always like this when battling."