THINGS TO REMEMBER - Forgotten Memories


|| THINGS TO REMEMBER | Forgotten Memories ||

"One's memory is a weak and fragile thing. It forgets the important ones it needs the most, but it remembers saddening moments like a broken record.

"Truly, what a sad thing, it is.

"A human's mind could only take so much until it began throwing other memories away to be replaced. Now, the question is, how much can they remember before they start eating each other?"


|| QUOTES ||

•⠀One the beginning of every chapter, I will put some sort of "quote," along with the title on top of them to make it a bit "prettier."

•⠀I will not base the quotes off of anything aside from my mind, imagination, and creation. Any similarities in words and sentences are purely coincidental.

•⠀The quotes at the beginning of every chapter will be italicized. However, this feature could only be seen on laptops/computers. Please, mind that the feature is not yet set on the Webnovel app.

•⠀These "quotes" are a part of this story, so they will not connect to "our world" or the "real life" in any ways possible.

•⠀The sentences will be italicised even if they're not written in '...' and such.


|| BOLD ||

•⠀This feature is also available/can be seen on the laptop/computer. If you read it on the mobile app of Webnovel, it may not show, along with the italic feature.

•⠀Words that are emphasized, important, and dates will be bolded.

•⠀Words in || ... || and [...] will be bolded as well.

•⠀Important sentences will be bolded.

•⠀Emphasized and accent words will be bolded and italicised, along with the capitalisation of every letter.


|| ITALIC ||

•⠀This feature is available/can be seen on the laptop/computer. If you read it on the mobile app of Webnovel, it may not show, along with the bold feature.

•⠀Thoughts in '...' will be italicised.

•⠀Foreign words (non-English) such as Japanese honorifics, spells, non-English terms, et cetera.

•⠀Emphasized and accent words will be bolded and italicised, along with the capitalisation of every letter.

•⠀The quotes at the beginning of the chapters (will be edited in as I update them).

•⠀Past events or memories will be written entirely in italic.


|| HYPHEN ||

•⠀It is to show points or the main points, just like now. It will not be used in future chapters unless I decided to make auxiliary chapters such as this.

•⠀It's used to join words to indicate that they have a combined meaning or that they are linked in the grammar of a sentence (as in pick-me-up, rock-forming), to indicate the division of a word at the end of a line, or to indicate a missing or implied element (as in short-term and long-term).



•⠀The "double hyphen" (––) will be used to show the beginning of a chapter (story) and the end of it.

•⠀It (they?) will also indicate when a character's words or narrations, that got cut off by another.

•⠀It (they?) is also used when a comma isn't used and is replaced with the "double hyphens (I have no idea how to explain this one)."

•⠀These "––" will be used as dividers. They also indicate time skips, the story moving to another place/time, the story showing another point of view, the story moving forward or backwards–– depends.



•⠀These "..." are used for conversations and quoted words in someone's mind.

•⠀These '...' are used for inner conversations or someone's thoughts and are used for quoted words in normal conversations.

•⠀On narration, quoted words will use these "..."



•⠀These chapters act as opening chapters from the author.

•⠀Particularly this one will help the author and the readers understand the use of quotation marks, hyphens and others when they read.

•⠀Auxiliary chapters will not appear on the first read, especially mobile. The readers must access the table of contents from the mobile screen or the chapters section to get to these auxiliary chapters.



•⠀It is recommended that the readers read in the PC or laptop version of Webnovel to be able to see the Bold and Italic features in action.

•⠀However, reading this story on either PC, laptop, or mobile version depends on the reader's wishes.


•⠀Size 14.

•⠀Merriweather for a neater font for the eyes to see. Nunito Sans so that the readers will be able to see "––" in action as a straight line instead of double hyphens.


•⠀Display Scrolling.

•⠀Text size can be set to the second point of the line.

•⠀Lora, Cardo, and Merriweather for neater fonts for the eyes to see. Nunito Sans, Karla, and Rubik are somewhat the same. There's only a slight difference between the three fonts.


Note: The unedited chapters will be updated when I have time. If you spotted any typos, mistakes, grammatical errors, or even things that are controversial with the facts placed within previous chapters, do tell me and I will try to fix them as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience!

|| THINGS TO REMEMBER | Forgotten Memories - End ||
