Something to Tell (Pt. II)



"Shizu-Nee hated bugs, right?" Hinata mentioned one of Shizuka's dislikes as the girl nodded vigorously. "They're disgusting. And they don't die that easily."

"And yet you don't hate animals," Yuzuru protested at her.

"They're prettier and more majestic, it's obvious~" Shizuka retorted back, making her brother grunt again.

"What about run-- oh wait, that's already a sport..." Kazuto made a thinking motion, finally pointing up at an idea that went through his head, "What about crowds? And a group project? I believe you did say that you prefer to work alone."

"Huh... for once you sounded pretty smart, Kazu-nii," Konata chimed into their conversation, taking his dirty-yellow eyes off of Mitsuru's little hobby.

"Hey! Whaddya mean by that?!"