Hidden "Secrets"


"Issei-san! Okay, uhhh... Dream Weaver Magic: Gift."

Soft light enveloped the tired male as he felt revitalized again. He thanked the girl as they both went to help Orion, "Crystal Water Magic: Luminescent Geysers!!"

Silver geysers blasted out from the ground, aimed towards the man. The man lit up upon touching the surface of the liquid as he floated upwards.


"You want down? Then you'll get it!!!" Orion jumped up high with the help of the lovely Shizuka as he kicked the man down hard.

The man floated back up again, much to his dismay. Shizuka enchanted Orion's gym shoes as he jumped again, a little higher this time. He kicked the man down hard again, as the same thing happened for quite a while.

"This is amusing..."

"I agree."

They both watched Orion kicked the man like a ball until he was motionless. Shizuka checked the man as Orion jumped down, next to the light-blue-haired male.

"He's still alive... Should we--"

"Oh, there's no need~ Just put him in that cage, fufufu~"

Turning to the source of the voice, they found Sena with Vinnetra beside him, looking all tired and pale. "Ooh, what happened with you two?" the girl queried and healed the poor raven-black-haired boy.

"'What happened?!' Let me tell you what happened! This damn ghost just drained the life out of me!!"

"Wait, WHAT?!" the three of them looked at the ghost in shock as Orion stepped in front of the raven black-haired boy.

"Fufufu~ Don't worry, I let you live, didn't I ~?"

"But, I almost died!!!!"

"But, you didn't~"

"I almost did, you cursed ghost!!!"

"Fufufu~ Let's free the poor creatures, shall we~?"

"Don't ignore me!!!"

"Haa... I can't even tell if they are being serious anymore..." Isseiris pinched the bridge of his nose while Shizuka and Orion just looked so done with them.

As they put the unconscious man into Sena's former cage as the giant chains wrapped around it again. They proceeded to free the Telarocks one by one, careful not to scare them.

The raven black-haired boy wore an unreadable expression as he thought back on what the ghost told him earlier.


"You are a kind child. But you can be ruthless at times. Is it always in your nature, perhaps? Maybe it runs in your family's blood. I believe you treasured your comrades, family, and friends. Ahh, youth, I see~ Fufufu~"

Vinnetra's eyebrows twitched as he forced a smile at the ghost, earning an amused one in return.

"Orion, that boy... He can get easily angry and triggered at times. Deep down, he cared for you in his ways. Though he can be quite scary when truly angry, I admit. A boy yearning for love and affection-- A perfect vessel for my master~"

"Master? You're planning on forming a contract with him as your master? Why?"

"Hmm, why? Well, just because~"

"'Just because?' Really?"

"Fufufu~ The water user, what was his name...? Ahh, yes, Isseiris. A boy who lived almost his entire life bounded by rules and expectations-- strict on himself, soft on the ones he cherishes. He can be scary when in a bad mood too. Is that the right word? Oh well~"

"How do you know all this? And also, the way you describe us is... unique..." Vinnetra sweatdropped, rattling the cage more while trying to free the annoying ghost.

"'How,' you asked? I am a ghost. I just know~"

"Haa...? What kind of answer-- you know what? I don't even care, continue."

"Fufufu~ A very nice choice~ And last but not least... Shizuka..." Silence loomed over them as Sena looked at the ground. Vinnetra stopped what he was doing and looked at the ghost with an eyebrow being raised.

"Shizuka... Hmm... That girl... is much more mysterious than you think. A connection with an unknown god and a side no one has ever seen before~ Fufufu, quite an interesting young girl indeed~" Sena placed a hand under his chin and nodded in content.

"Strong magical energy, weak physical strength... I wonder why~? Hidden secrets and desires, hopes and wishes... Caring for others, showing her true self. But another half of her was locked away, somewhere deep down."

Vinnetra thought about what the ghost had said for a while until he was caught off guard by his next statement, "A unique one that you fell for in a short span of time, I'd say~"

Looking done with the ghost, he rattled the cage furiously as Sena just laughed in amusement inside, not bothered by the shaking one bit.


'What did he mean, though?' Vinnetra glanced at the ash blonde, struggling to burn the chains as he tried to calm the Telarock down at the same time.

In a "normal" circumstances the raven-haired male would laugh furiously at the ash-blonde's attempt, but his mind was full of the stuff Sena said to him earlier.

'Hmm... "Forming a contract," huh?' the black-haired male then darted his orbs at the light-blue-haired male.

He calmly freed the creatures as they let fumes came out of their noses, getting into the male's face. He wore an annoyed look at the Telarocks, forcing a smile at them while Shizuka silently laughed, trying hard not to get caught.

'Bounded... Rules... No wonder you're being perfect all the time. Expectations...' Looking at the platinum-blonde-haired girl, he wore an unreadable expression as he observed her. She was petting the Telarocks whilst she skillfully got rid of the chains.

'Another side of her...? What are you hiding—Wait, she is not obligated to tell me everything! What are you thinking Vinnetra?! HUAAA!!!' the raven black-haired male ruffled his hair in frustration as the others stared at him like he was crazy.

"Is he okay?" Shizuka eyed at Vinnetra in worry as Isseiris assured her, "He's okay."

"He's always like that, let him be."

"If you say so..." taking a final glance at the boy, Shizuka continued to free the Telarocks.


"'They're defeated,' you say?"

"Yes, my KING."

"AhhhahahhhAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHH!!!" a loud deep voice rang throughout the room as his laugh slowly died down.

"Four mere students? Defeating MY men?"

"It's unbelievable indeed, my KI--"

"No... It's quite believable. I've fought them before, and I know their powers. Proceed with the plan."

The servant in front of the sitting man looked up with sweats rolling down his face. He then stuttered out meekly, "A-Are you sure about this, my KING? We co--"

"Did I allow you to ask questions? You may be the Demon of Lust, but you know well that you've sworn to follow under me-- so don't ask questions and proceed with the plan. Do you understand?"




"Y-Yes, understood, my KING."


Sighing in reliefs, the children wiped away their sweats as the only girl in the group was just having fun with the freed Telarocks.

"Not scared anymore, eh?" Sena teased the girl as Isseiris chuckled lightly. The girl pouted in response, "Well, that's because--"

A loud "BOOM" was heard and the whole Space collapsed. They were all uninjured as someone, some group actually, appeared from behind the remnants of the collapsed Space.


|| To be continued... ||
