In Search of the Lost Villagers (Pt. II)


"That is~ Whoever they are, they can't escape our Spirit Wielders' eyes~"

"'Eyes?'" Yuzuki muttered in repetition, putting a hand under his chin, "Do you mean that the Spirit Wielders are more sensitive when it comes to mana sensing?"

"Exactly! I knew you're a fast learner," Kishi snapped his fingers and ruffled Yuzuki's dark-brown hair. Shizuka's mouth fell open from the other side, finished with all her squealings over Yuzuki's adorableness.

"Wh-- That's not even close to what you're supposed to say!" the female Ichijou complained with an exasperated tone. "This is ridiculous. I'm amazed that you're able to get what he meant, Yuzu-kun," Shizuka huffed tiredly, bracing her hands on her hips.

The youngest boy could only nervously laugh in response, sweatdropping at the two's bickering interaction and the interesting relationship they had.

"Jeez, it was only a small mistake. Don't yell my ears out for this."