Spell Book of the Lhuxolians


"Wait-- why didn't you give them nicknames?" Shiroyuubi pointed out, causing the others to widen their eyes in realization.

"I don't always call them by their nicknames, you know," Shizuka pouted at the dirty-blonde-haired fox, earning a chuckle from his icy partner.

"Now that you point that out, I think master also didn't call us by our nicknames most of the time~" Fuyukiku laughed lightly at the girl's playful hits. "Oh, come on!!! Is it THAT bad for me not to call you by your nicknames?!"

"She also calls me 'Seimei-san' instead of a nickname, haha~" the former Keeper joined in as well, Avrean smirking while pinching her cheeks. "So, it's just me, princess~? How mean~"

"Master also calls us by our full names," Kurogane and Kyuusei chimed in as well, annoying the girl further.