The Tri-Coloured Lake


"Now, the question left is..." Asuma stared them dead in the eyes, an encouraging smile adorning his young face. "... are you ready?"

Asuma's question unexpectedly gave them the courage to face this whole mess they got into. The students all looked at each other, some wearing grins, others looked with curiosity. It was then they snapped their heads towards the khaki-brown-haired teacher and replied at the same time, "YES!"

"Excellent reply. Now, pack up your things," Asuma clapped his hands and gave them a confident smile. "We're going back to the famous tri-coloured lake~"


Unlike the burning afternoon from before, the moon was at its zenith this time. The cloudless night cleared their vision just to see the twinkling stars accompanying the lonesome silver moon. Once in a while, they would spot a falling star up in the distance.