To the Place Where We Last Met


"Oi, Mizu-Nii! Hurry up! You were the one who rushed me earlier, what gives?!"

"Yes, yes. I'm coming."




The two jumped out of the water of the Trenarrol Sea and stepped foot onto the beach's greyish-silver sand. It never bored them to see the grey sand stretched from far north to the east.

Not to mention, Shizuka was already internally crying-- regretting that she didn't bring anything to capture this sight aside from clothes and other necessities. 'Huaaa, I should've brought my camera and my sketchbook! But, then again, both would get wet when I got drowned that time...'

Shizuka wept imaginary streams of tears down her face, earning her pats on her back by none other than her brother. "I don't know what you're crying about, but... uhh, don't worry?" Mizuto hesitantly comforted with a soothing voice he always used.