Spoken Promise with a Fallen Celestial (Pt. II)


"But, my clan is not suited for forming contracts with rulers and such. We only form them with those who dwell in the waters of the earth..." Seiya's voice got tinier and quieter for every word that he spoke. "Especially my father. He spoke that it would be easier for us to work with the water dwellers rather than other species."

"Keyword: easier," Shizuka pointed out with a confident grin. Seiya looked at her in confusion, "So? Should we not look for the easiest and fastest way to complete our missions and tasks? Given that we have not much time to do them, I take it as the most effective way."

Shizuka exhaled and shook her head rhythmically, putting her hands on her hips again. "Ckckck, Sei, oh Sei. The easiest way isn't always the best way, you know~"

The blond gestured towards the fallen angel who was running away gleefully from the angered Shiroyuubi. She took a mental note to scold them later about the use of flames around woods and forests.