Liza: Heart Beats

Liza: 14 years

Vibrant summer rays hit the curtains illuminating my room painted yellow in a golden glow, announcing the start of a new day.

I look at my clock. Its 7am in the morning. Abstract images of Joan keep popping up in my brain like it had been infected by a malware. That's when it hit me. The dream. I had my first wet dream and it was with Joan.

I jolt up from bed and stare at the blank wall trying to process the information.

I was confused. A girl and a girl was not the norm. It was always a man and a woman. I have never heard of two girls falling in love. I didn't know if something like that even existed.

I get out of bed and head to the shower. Scenes from the dream keeps repeating in my head like a song stuck in a vicious loop. I hit the wall, hurting my hands, in an attempt to keep the lewd thoughts away. Blood starts to ooze out through the wound.

I get out of the shower, put a band aid on the cut and get ready for school.

🎶Don't stop, make it pop

DJ, blow my speakers up

Tonight, I'ma fight

'Til we see the sunlight

Tick-tock on the clock

But the party don't stop, no

Oh, whoa, whoa-oh🎶

I run to pick up the phone. It was Joan. Usually when she called, I would just answer the call in a jiffy but this time, it was different.

The very sight of her name on the phone's display made my heart pound faster than a speeding motor vehicle. I take my own time to pick up the call.

"Hey Liz, why did you take such a long time to pick up?"

"I ...I...I...was taking a shower" I sutter unable to come up with an excuse.

"Oh...yeah..okay...So...Emma just called me. She said we have to stay back today after class for the dance practice, so make sure to tell your mom, you will be coming back late today okay?"

"Yeah, see ya at school. Bye...take care of yourself... bye again bye....I mean bye." I blurt out.

"Uhh....Umm...okayyyy....Bye...I guess..." Joan says in a confused tone.

I was on my way to class, that's when I came across Joan talking to one of my classmates.

The moment our eyes meet, my heart, began to act like a mad person in chains, pounding , skipping and jumping up and down as though wanting to burst out of my chest. My breathing quickened as though every ounce of air was sucked away from my lungs.

"Liza, hey, good morning dear" Joan chuckles waving her hand.

Her smile, it evoked feelings in me I never knew I was capable of feeling. I felt as though Earth stopped moving for a moment. No wind. No light. No school. No nothing. Just a blank canvas. It was just me and her. Joan had cast a spell on me. I didn't know what it was but I knew it was forceful and strong and it was here to stay.