Liza: A chocolate story

Liza: 14 years

(Warning : 15+ chapter)

Joan and I were on our way to Emma's house for the dance practice. It was half past twelve in the afternoon. The summer season had set in. The sun shone brightly up in the sky igniting the world with his warm hands. Blue sky, happy chirping birds, green trees, newly bloomed flowers and people in their light colored cotton clothes carrying umbrellas to keep away from the heat. This was the usual sight. .

"Oh God, I'm sweating. Why did Emma had to keep dance practice today? Its so hot." Joan says wiping the sweat off her forehead. She then began to search for something inside her bag. Some time later she took out a big bar of chocolate and proceeds to unwrap the cover.

"Yeah I know. I'm sweating like a pig."

Ever since that dream I've been having a hard time maintaining eye contact with Joan. Everytime we engage in a conversation, I would try to look away from her eyes and stare at some intimate object within our periphery, be it a water bottle or a random book or the blue sky and especially the ground. I felt like I did something wrong, a grave sin towards her. I couldn't bring myself to look up at her face. I felt like I betrayed her and our friendship by defiling her with my foul thoughts.

Another biggest change that occurred was in case of our skin ship. In the beginning, I used to be very cuddly with Joan. We used to hold hands, entwine them, hug each other, put hands over shoulders, waist, smack each others butts and walk the streets unbothered of what people might think.In short my hands were all over her body. Sometimes I was unaware of the fact I was touching her since it felt natural to do so.

But ever since the dream I've been maintaining a safe distance from her, keeping my hands to myself. It was impossible to do so all the time but whenever our skin came in contact, I was extremely aware about it as the point of contact felt like it was lit on fire.

Slowly I was transforming into a prey that was extremely aware of the danger lurking behind the bushes, expect in my case, the danger was my best friend, Joan.

Everytime when she sat close to me class and our arms touched, I felt a tingle in my skin. Everytime our hands entwined, my heart went berserk. Everytime I locked eyes with her, my mind went blank. Everytime she hugged me, my whole body went into stealth mode. I never wanted her to know how she made me feel. I was scared. What if she found me disgusting?

" Oh by the way, do you want to play the role of the boy or the girl?" Joan says taking a bite of the chocolate bar.

"Boy or girl? What do you mean?" I ask her confused.

"Ahh yeah you skipped practice yesterday...I forgot to tell you. Well the thing is we tweaked the choreo a little bit yesterday. Emma thought it would be a good idea if we danced as pairs. You know like a boy and a girl. Like, lovers. But since our dance group only has girl members we thought of dressing up the ones who played the boys roles as boys. You get me?"

"Yeah, I got it so?"

"She paired us as partners. So what role do you wanna play?"

"Oh we are gonna be partners? Thats great. I mean...uhh so.. what role do you think it would fit me.... If we were lovers?" I ask her timidly. I wanted to know her opinion.

" If we were lovers huh? That's crazy....but I guess, I'd be the girl and you'd be the boy." Joan says shoving the chocolate bar into my mouth. I take a bite of the chocolate glancing at her rounded chubby cheeks which had turned pink from blushing.

"Why do you think, I'd be the boy?" I ask her licking the chocolate off my lips

"You're taller than me. Slimmer than me. Your fashion sense is different from mine. You love to wear shirts, jackets and jeans and I love skirts and dresses. I mean also in terms of character. I'm timid and shy while you're confident and loud. We are like that ideal couple in movies you know. Oh God what am I even saying." Joan giggles.

"Mmm I guess. I'll play the role of the boy then." I tell her smiling ever so happily.

"It fits ya...oh no...choco choco its melting." Joan says trying to wipe away the chocolate of her fingers.

I see the chocolate melt and coagulate at the end of her wrists. I look around. There was no one else on the pathway. It was just me and Joan.

I grab hold her hands and began to lick the chocolate off her hands. My tongue twisted and twirled around her slender long soft fingers.

I take a peek at Joan to watch her reaction. Her cheeks turn apple red and she kept staring at me wide eyed. I wanted to stop the vile act but I couldn't. I felt myself getting moist 'down there' as I licked her fingers harder and harder. It felt good. The slimy chocolate, sweat from her fingers created newfound sensations in my mouth and I felt as though my skin was set ablaze. I wanted it, more and more. I wanted her.

"Ah...Liz...ah" Joan moans unknowingly.

I could feel Joan's hands shake and shiver. Her breath quicken and she closes her eyes in embarassment. The most surprising part was that she didn't try to stop me or pull her hands away. I lick her until no trace of chocolate was left on her fingers.

"There you go. Now no chocolates gonna be wasted. Well except for the ones surrounding your lips. Do you want me to lick that of too

" I smirk placing my fingers on her lips.

Joan stood frozen speechless for a moment and then she hit me playfully on my shoulders, "Liza, you're such a flirt. God I hope no one saw that!!!"

"What I just licked chocolate off my girl friends hands. Is that such a sin?" I grin.

"Girlfriend?'s... okay....Just don't do that in public okay. People might stare especially perverts." Joan says blushing like a newly bloomed rose.

"So can I do it in private?" I say licking off the last drip of chocolate on her cheeks making her blush like a ripe tomato.

"Ahh this monkey. Stop licking me. Lets go we are late for practice." Joan says pushing me away. I see her face light up as she chuckles while scrunching her nose.

With every passing day, it was becoming extremely difficult for me to be with her. I wanted to touch her. Kiss her soft lips. Feel her against my skin.

I needed an answer. Why I felt this way towards her and only her and no one else....