WebNovelIdol Eye41.67%

Day 5

"WHAT" Kin jumps from his seat at the shout, looking at a fuming Parisu. Reina hangs her head low, guilty as Parisu tosses the magazine towards the face of a smug looking classmate who soon frowns at the attack. He huffs and walks towards a bewildered Kin.

"Let's go," he replies.

"Where?" Kin asks with eyebrows raised. He looks at Parisu with a glare.

"Fine," he simply says before leaving with the others.

'What the **** I just asked a question man-' he thinks but don't say out loud not that he'd go with him anyway. He walks towards the thrown magazine and looks at the entertainment page, they used his cover but the inside is different from what he and Parisu wrote.

"I'm sorry," Parisu sighs," at least your cover page made it," she smiles that is supposed to be reassuring. But Kin knew, how she felt, he didn't feel accomplished either, all of his work was thrown into the content but it was scrapped.

"I apologise as well..." Reina sighs." I didn't know they were going to make last minute decisions as well... they said it was fine..." she mutters. Parisu pats her back, Kin sighs, well... at least they still have the next issue to work on. He is slightly determined to get a better story next time when his computer's notification rang. He goes over to click on it, it's an email. He didn't expect it to come actually, he double reads the content and quickly closes it after reading for the fourth time. He grabs his bag, closes his laptop and left the classroom in a hurry.

"Sorry! I need to go!" he replies to the other two before dashing out. Parisu and Reina looks at each other in confusion but they left him to his own devices, Parisu was more focused on the next new story. She'd probably want to nick the school for more stories, which school however no one knew.

He texted his mother while trying to catch the bus that almost left without him.

'Mom! I got in!'

He waited until he was a stop before home before opening his phone again. It was just close to his house anyway and he wanted to be home early so he didn't walk, which, with his laziness, might take ages to reach home.

Mom: Got in? The audition?

Mom: Well that's great news!

Mom: Did you get what you wanted?

He looks at that sentence, though he was sure she didn't mean anything else, it still made him think. Was he satisfied? If he left it there would he have no chance to find out which guy from Tokyo got the spot until they debuted? Yes he was still skeptical that a Yamashin High school student can debut, he thinks someone from a bigger school might get it. Wasn't it hard to get accepted anyway? Should he throw away the chance?

He sighs and looks up only to be met with an unfamiliar place. He quickly gets off the bus before he could go further and kicks the curb in frustration. Why can't he be more focused? He sighs, trying to find another bus stop nearby that can get him home.

He had to walk a few blocks however, he takes a stroll down the quiet neighbourhood. Suddenly, he wasn't in the streets, his foot enters a watery feeling, his socks soaked in stars. He blinks and blinks again, he frowns before looking around. He was in the neighbourhood, his socks dried and not soaked.

He sighs should he be wearing his glasses all the time now? He was about to make a turn when he hears piano music waffle from a household, though it was something one can hear in every neighbourhood, it made him stop. He looks up at the windows, he didn't seem to recognize the piece but it was precisely played and sharp.

He stares at the window until the piece finished before going to the bus stop to go back home. He didn't know if his mother was going to tell his father but he thinks he should tell them straight. It was just a part time thing anyway, it's not a full time job- he might be however a trainee for all he knew.

Meanwhile, the pianist that finished his practice looks out at the window, wondering if there was someone watching him. He sighs into the empty space before walking out of the room, leaving the piano and very empty room there.

The pianist is a blond-haired boy with blue irises, wearing a hoodie, striped shirt and jeans, he seems to be an ordinary boy rather than a classy pianist. The limo that is waiting for him however is not all that normal.

"Sasaki-san, your grandfather is on the line," a butler replies, he nods before climbing into the car only to be met with screaming. He closes his eyes at the sound before slowly opening them, uneffected.

"Sasaki Hayato! It's late and you're still out here, being useless, look at your brother! Still working! When are you going to earn some honor to our family?" a wrinkled middle age man, slightly too well off and energetic to be over 60 years old. Well, energetic in scolding.

"I've signed a contract with an agency and I'll be debuting soon, you said I needed to use my face for something since I'm too stupid to do anything else, so I've decided to be the face of the company," Hayato says with a neutral tone. But his words made his grandfather scowl at him. The call abruptly ends and he knew he was going to get it when he reached home. But he isn't going home, they were to stay in dorms after all. He gives him the address and they drive towards his destination.

Kin huffs, tired as he stumbles into his home. He sighs and was met with his father's serious expression. He gulps, closing the door behind him, ready to have a heart to heart.