I didn't know I had fallen asleep until I woke up suddenly. They must have let me sleep in because I was no longer tired one bit. I had fallen on top of my blanket, so I was surprised when I noticed a large soft blanket on top of me.
'Who had put this on me?' I asked myself, in my head. It was most likely not Daniel or Bruce. They didn't even know where my room was. And I DEFINITELY know that it wasn't Audrey. She would probably throw me into a pit of lava if she ever got the chance. 'Herobrine?' I then thought. I almost chuckled for a reason I didn't know, probably the thought that he actually cared about my comfort. 'Did Herobrine seriously pull out a momma maneuver?' I almost cracked up laughing as I got out of bed. My legs were feeling much better, however, sore muscles and bruises covered me. I felt like I was 100 pounds heavier as I slowly walked out the door and down the hall. I thankfully was able to remember the path back to the training room. I opened the door and stared in awe at the two students training in the center of the mat.
I watched as Audrey and Bruce were the middle of a sparring match, swords drawn. Neither of them noticed me. Both their eyes were glowing brighter than before and they looked at each other with evil grins on their faces. They fought each other with speed and strength I didn't even know was possible. Both of them held wooden swords, which meant they weren't going for blood. They hopped around each other, looking for an opening. Bruce's sword suddenly lit on fire and Audrey started emitting purple particles off her skin. Bruce sliced at Audrey but she teleported behind him and he turned around just quick enough to block her sword as it fell onto him. They both staggered back by the force of each other's swings and re-caught their balance at the same time. They continued fighting, using the same tactics as before and I just watched them wishing I could fight with just 1% of their skill.
Audrey noticed me watching and shouted at me, "You little!-" She completely forgot about Bruce and ran at me full speed, which was EXTREMELY fast. I only had time to blink before I was pushed against the door I had shut behind myself and it opened as I fell against it. The impact caused the door to fling open, allowing me to fall back and bump my head on the hard Netherack bricks. I fainted the moment my head hit the floor.
"Why did you do that Audrey?!" I heard Daniel shout as I slowly woke up. I was sitting leaned against the cold wall. My head hurt extremely bad.
"What do you mean, 'what did I do,?!" Audrey shouted back. I could tell she was trying to cover up the fact that she didn't like me, no, despised me.
"Really Audrey? Just wait until Herobrine hears about this!" Daniel shouted threateningly.
"No! Please!" Audrey begged, her voice shakey. I had never heard her scared before. I didn't hear Daniel respond. Instead, I heard the sound of someone teleporting and knew he had left to tell on Audrey. A couple minutes later I heard two beings teleport in front of me. One was furious, and I don't know how I even knew, my eyes were still too heavy to open.
"Audrey!!" Herobrine shouted. "Did I tell you to knock out Hazel!?"
"N- n- no, sir." Audrey answered in a terrified tone.
"Then why did you punch her?!" Herobrine asked, still furious.
Audrey almost whispered, "I- I- I don't know."
"Ghhh! No dinner for you! Now go to your room until tomorrow!" Herobrine's anger towards Audrey surprised me. But of course, she did just knock me out. I almost jumped back when I suddenly felt a hand on my forehead as if whoever it was was checking my temperature. I opened my eyes and was even more surprised to see Herobrine looking with an expression of, worry? Once he saw that my eyes were open his face returned to a straight one and he stood up and stepped towards Daniel and Bruce. "She's alright. Make sure you teach her how to fall correctly." Then, he was gone. Only purple particles swirled around where he once stood.
"Okayyy...." Daniel sighed as he turned to look at me. He helped me up and we walked over to the mat and he began to teach me how to fall the right way Immediately.
'I didn't even know there was a right way to fall!' I was surprisingly quick to learn and soon I was able to catch myself from banging my head on the ground by instinct. I felt a lot tougher when Bruce pushed me to the floor and I was able to catch myself in time.
"Soooo... Why do you guys have glowing eyes? I thought that was just a Herobrine thing." I asked when I just couldn't keep myself quiet anymore. Daniel seemed surprised at my question but answered politely.
"They call it, 'Herobrine's Curse,' though I see it as more of a gift." He said in a calm tone. "After Herobrine, some people were born with his same powers, though not as powerful as the original Herobrine himself. So far, only five of us have been discovered. It's a very rare thing and not very many people even know about it. The other two are older than Bruce, Audrey, and I. They are the ones sent on long missions because they have learned just about everything they need to know about fighting and surviving."
"What about you? How did you get here?" I asked Daniel. I felt a lot more comfortable talking to him than the others, even if he did have glowing white eyes.
Daniel sighed before answering. "I lived a pretty normal life. My eyes only glowed every now and then, but as I grew up, that every now and then became more often. More people started to notice and I was suddenly seen as an outcast. Even my friends stopped hanging out with me. I did some research and found out about 'Herobrine's Curse.' I then began looking for him with the hopes that he could make me normal. When I finally found him he told me that he couldn't make me normal, but he could give me the next best thing. He let me join him and the others. And, this is where I still am." He finished and we started practicing other things. He taught me a few basic boxing tricks and we sparred a bit. When we stopped I felt as if I had learned a lot and we took a break.
"You probably haven't heard, have you?" Bruce asked from out of nowhere.
"What?" I appropriately asked.
"About the tournament. That's probably why Audrey was so angry." Bruce answered plainly. "We have one every year, so far Audrey is on a winning streak of four in a row. Daniel hasn't won even once."
"Pfff!. That's just because I let her win." Daniel interjected, obviously lying.
"Anyway.. Audrey is probably worried you might surprise her and win it. I personally don't really care about winning. I just like the feast afterward." Bruce said. His mouth watered as he remembered whatever feast he was talking about. Suddenly snapping out of his trance, Bruce continued. "So! You might want to train harder or Audrey will give you a beat down you'll never recover from. The tournament is only three months away."
I was worried by Bruce's warning and thought for a moment. Oh, I wanted to see the look on Audrey's face when she saw me win. If, I even won. Until then I would have to train harder. I finally decided that I would do my best to not only survive.. but win! How hard could that be?...