A U T H O R' S   N O T E

This story is the work of fiction, imagination and perspective. It contains explicit scene, violence, sexual content and language. It's simply based on author's imagination. So, do not copy my work.

Thank you, for choosing my story!!



I looked at my room for the last time before locking it. Today is my last day here in this apartment where I'm living with my aunt Megan from few months after shifting from England to here only Bcs I wanted admission in Manhattan's college. That was my only dream for which I for the first time stood against my father.

He didn't agreed but my Savior my grandpa came forward to stand next to me. This was the last thing he did for me.

I locked the door behind me, settling my hand bag at my shoulder I climbed down the stairs, coming in the hall where my aunt was standing with a man, who I think is a taxi man Bcs he was helping with my luggage.

"is everything all set? " my aunt asked me when I went closer to her.

"yup, everything is all set! " I said kissing her cheek and hugging her.

"don't miss me too much!! " she said hugging me back, literally squeezing the life out of me.

"aren't you coming to drop me? " I asked stepping back.

"you know, I can't! " she said as a matter fact and I simply nodded.

"don't forget to report at chancellor's office. he is a good friend of your father and he need to know that you have arrived there, you got it! " she said with stern voice and I just rolled my 4th eyes.

"yeah, okay. Now say me goodbye with a big smile and let me go Bcs I'm very excited! " I smile at her and she mirrored my action.

She drop my by the taxi and saying the final good bye I left. Phew, finally, finally something is going to happen good in my life. Well I wish and further is all on God.

We reached the college in an hour or half and the driver helped me with my luggage and left. I just want to dance at the gate Bcs maybe I'm a bit late but still finally, my dream college is here before me.

I often used to search for this college on net and would used wonder how it will all feel to be here.

But, there's a problem it's too big for it's own good and how the hell I'm going to find chancellor's office here.

My goodness!!

I started walking inside to see parents dropping their children here crying, hugging and supporting them. I wish I could have this but never mind and I started finding chancellor's office.

As I was going through God knows from which way, I found a group of students in a corner laughing, I take a deep breath Bcs it's not so common for me to socialize with strangers as I never actually did that. Thanks to my parents to decide to home schooled me.

I hesitantly marched to them, gathering all courage and repeating my lines in my mind I greet them "hello!! Guys" I greet them with a wide smile.

They all instantly stopped laughing and look at me ,with a quick glances I caught some guys checking me out as I was wearing my most elegant silver top which shines a bit with black leather jacket on it and pairing cream skinny jeans, I know I look total babe with loose curls in my dark black hair.

I blushed slightly Bcs it's my first time guys. And on the second hand there was teasing smile on some girls face.

Oh god, where I got myself into?

Everyone there waited impatiently for me to say something and suddenly the lines I learned vanished.

I look down at my hands and decide to be super professional and ask them straight about the office and the hell out of here.

"actually, I was looking for chancellor's office. Could guys tell me how to get there? " I asked trying to be professional but I think my nervousness didn't go unnoticed by them.

A guy from their group came forward and I took time to check him out. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt with a black trousers, he is so handsome.

He forward his hand to shake and I immediately take his hand in mine and shaked.

"hi, I'm Steve, Steve Evans and you are? " he asked in a super cheery voice which brought smile on my face immediately.

"I'm bela, from England!! " I said on which everyone there got shocked. Isn't it obvious?

"oh, then welcome to Manhattan Bela, these all are my friends here she is Maya my girlfriend" he gesture towards the girl who was standing next to him. I nodded at her as a gesture but she didn't returned it and I didn't care. He introduced me to some other of his friends and I greet everyone.

"so...." he utter but before he can start I intrupted him

"ah.. Sorry for interrupting but can you please help me with the way to chancellor's office. I need to report there immediately? " I asked Bcs I don't think so he or anyone here remembered why I came to them in a first place.

"yeah, sure... Why not, let's go!! " he nodded at me and bid bye his friends "see, you guys later! " OK wave at them and they all promised to me to catch up later.

"This way please!!" he gesture the way while saying this.

I smiled sweetly and starting walking with him. All I was thinking about that how gracefully I socialized with strangers. Everything till yet has went perfectly and I hope the same for further.

I go through some hallways, turning right, left and Finally at the end I can the office.

"here your destination comes and I will take a leave now, meet you later!! " he leaned forward and hugged me friendly ,I awkwardly hugged him back.

"thank you so much, again! " I said when I step back, he nodded before leaving.

I walked towards chancellor's office to report!!!

After meeting with chancellor who's name I got to know is Justin Miller who seems to be a gentleman. I came here in canteen Bcs I have got my dorm room no. And I have check somethings out.

They are some rules and regulations, terms and conditions in it which I read twice and

After checking out all of them I move to last page, where's my room no. Is mention, so it's room no. 260.


I hope so I'll got a nice roommate Bcs the one who'll become my roommate will remain the same till this whole semester.

There's a problem that when in applied in this college only few dorm were left and here they don't even have girls hostel and boys hostel. There's only one hostel in here and which have to manage with it. I didn't got the new dorm, someone is already staying in there.

I hope I get a good company Bcs it's really important. Having a good roommate can be beneficial for me.

Now it's time to leave, I stuff the papers in my hand bag and left the canteen.

I walk towards the hostel building, dragging my luggage behind me. I enter the building and check the board where direction to the room were informed. I followed the directions and reached my dorm. Opening it with the key I entered.

"so, this is my room!!" I take the look.

My eyes immediately went to the two separate beds in front if me. Right one was mine Bcs it was made properly and second was a complete mess with books, duvet was wrinkled and cusions were here and there.

I kept my bag on my bed Bcs another one seems already occupied. After keeping my all bags I start exploring room and did some sneak peak with my roommates stuff.

Actually I was trying evaluate that who is my roommate?!, is it a guy or is it a girl Bcs with the stuff here I can't decide who's it!!

Between these thoughts, I heard some voices from bathroom a girl's giggling came.

I took a releif breath Bcs my roommate is a girl. Thank God, you listened to me you're my buddy.

I shrugg off all the thoughts and decide to take some rest and wait until she come outside.

I waited for few minutes and another cane and it was loud thud, I jump out the my bed and decided to check by my own.

I went towards bathroom door and knock on the door but it got opened instead so step inside and I saw air bubbles all around.

"aaaahhhhhhh!!! " I scream as my foot slipped due to slippery floor and I fall straight on my butt.

Fucking great!!

I tried to get up by my own but slips everytime.

I felt someone standing at my side and in matter of seconds set of two strong arms grabbed me by my waist and pull me up.

I look up to see into dark brown orbs which were looking at me with a intensity in them, I almost got lost in them Bcs those were most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

I take a look of full profile and there stood a beautiful man before me holding me in his arms. His touch is so warm and somewhere it's giving me sparks in my body.

Woah, now this is new!!

He left me immediately and I suddenly miss his warmness. What?

I look past his shoulder there was a girl was there barely dressed.

Oh my gosh!!!

I rush out of the bathroom immediately leaving both of them confused. Shit, I don't care anymore who is my roommate. I don't want to be here but my bad luck I can't the room even.

Why God, why you are doing this to me?

They both came out behind me, that girl took her top from the vanity which in didn't notice before and wear covering her body.

I look at that guy who was now looking at my stuff with amuse smile on his face. God he is handsome. No bela, no! He turns to me with now a big smile and in mere two steps he comes to me and hugged me and said "so, you are my new roomy, welcome!! " He stepped back and patted my back showing his pearly teeth.

I took a minute to take his look, he is perfect with his handsome face with properly builted body, brown messed up hairs, sun-kissed skin, firm jaw with light beard giving his tone a perfect look, coming down his mouth watering abs, he do really spend his most of the time in gym. I just wanna move my hands through his eight abs, just once... Wait!! What the hell I'm thinking, concertrate bela. Suddenly, I caught him smirking at me.

"so, is that means, you live in this room, I mean you are my roommate? " I asked trying to confirm.

"yeah! " he said casually.

"what???!!! " I shouted in shock.

"are you deaf?, can't you hear properly?, shall I say a bit louder, okay then. 'I'M.YOUR.ROOMMATE'"

He shouted on the peak of his voice while keeping his hands on his waist.

"fine!! I got it, don't shout!! " I shout back but not louder and shaking my finger in my ear.

"you can go!! " he commanded to that girl and she left not before giving a angry pout.

Then he go towards his cupboard and take out his shirt and wear it.

While all this I was continuesly starring him Bcs everything was in my front was getting out from my mind.

Shit!! Shit!! Shit!!, no!! No!! No!!

Pls God tell me that I'm having nightmare.

We and roommates not at all.

I would like to die before a guy like him be my roommate. He is handsome and all but still and such a fortune I have I can't even die.

Oh God!! I beg to do some miracle to change this incident for your child. Pls, Pls, pls!!! I beg you.

"back to earth mam!! " he snapped his fingers before my face to bring me back to earth.

"what? Don't tell you haven't seen a handsome guy like me before"

He said with smirk, raising his eyebrows.

No, Bela you can't let him play with you, be brave, come on!! I smirked at him back.

"I think I have to say that, back to earth mister!! " I shoot back.

"oh!! Really, so that's why you were staring me, no actually you were checking me out!! "he said and my expressions turn into an angry scrowlled.

God knows!! What happen to me and I started swearing at him. I think Bcs I got caught off guard.

"checking out and you, in yours dreams baby!! A girl like me won't give even a single look to you and you thought I was checking you out, my foot!! It's a coincidence that you got a chance to be my roommate..."

"I got a chance?? Hello madam, girls are dying to be with mahir sehagl, it's not me it's you who got a chance to be my roommate your luck " arrogantness voice visible in his voice.

"oh just shut up!! You dog, let me tell you, where you stand no, no, no stands you are not capable, you should be on my feet..... " I didn't complete.

Bcs in seconds he marched towards me, grab the back of my neck and he smacked his lips against mine, tightly hold me from my waist, pulling me close to cover distance, attacking my lips furiously My eyes were already out of socket and looking him shockingly. Before he enter my mouth as he bited my lips for entrance I pushed him with my full force.

And we separate.

I'm still looking him shockingly but he duffer has a an ugly smirk on his handsome face.

"love your strawberry lipstick, babe"he said shamelessly .

"you!!..." I move to him with pointed finger but stop as he forward his head with pout to kiss me again and I stop there and back off.

"you know what!! Fuck you!!" I curse him.

"oh is that an insult or a to do list!! "

He fire back with a smirk.

He bloody took my first kiss!!


This was a first part of my story roommates.

I hope you guys found something interesting, if yes then plz do your precious votes and comments .

And let me know how much excited you guys are for my story!!