It has been two days since me and mahir are together as roommates.
But I must say my life sucks, yeah he is a headache and no less than a monster.
We have 20 fights in just 2 days, unbelievable,I can clearly see the terrible future. I can't even concentrate on my studies due to his calls with his girlfriends and some time Rock music on high volume.
Thank God, doors are sound proof so voice can't go outside but inside these rock music echoes in my mind and make my headache. It's not that I hate songs rather I love listening them but not rock as from my childhood I was fond of sweet and romantic music and arijit Singh's songs do everything to make me insane but these rock music do everything to make me heartless towards them as I broke the sound system of mahir in his absence by cutting some of its wire and when he ask me that what happen to that, then I answer him with a smirk that maybe it got deaf by its own voice and I think he understood everything but didn't argue with me.
so I solve 1 problem but how can damage his phone, on which he continuesly talk with his several girlfriends and there conversation are so suffocating and uncomfortable that I have to leave the room and spend my almost whole day in balcony. I don't how I'm compromising with him I think due to my studies Bcs study is the must for me.
But that shameless guy don't even come to me to ask why I'm here. It's not that I want his attention, it's just he can only ask me for formality but he is mahir why he would give cost less damn to a girl like me.
During the period of two days, I had noticed alot of habits of him. Like: throwing a wet towel on his bed, giving a full attention to his looks, spend half of his day with his hairs styling, messing up his cupboard, first he will choose a outfit for him and then checking himself in mirror ,if doesn't got satisfied then he will take out half of his wardrobe and after testing all he will go for the very first one crazy Na!! And the biggest problem he took more time in bathing then me.
I always try to go first but he and his tricks got worked on me and I have to keep weapons down. But after alot of negativities still I found something good, which is the Actual reason to stop my anger is when he said a sorry to me for that forcefull kiss and I was shock as well as pleased too Bcs he accepts his mistake but after that I didn't found that sweetness in his voice.
Beside all fights and small small wars, we haven't done a simple and normal conversations. He used to always pull my leg but something really unknown to me stops me to become harsh with him.
I was going through these thoughts, when someone tap my left shoulder but I turned to right. I'm very well known to this tricks.
"Steve!!!! " I said shockingly Bcs I haven't watch him after that day when he helped me.
"hey!! Bela" he greet me.
"you should try another tricks by next time, they won't work with me" I snapped.
"I'll try my best by next time!! " he said in low voice and a fake sadness.
"yeah!! You should!!! " I said pouting." come have a seat!! " I offer.
As he settle down, we order two hot coffees. Yeah we were in canteen.
"so Bela, how's this college , do you like it" he asked.
"like!! it!! " I said enthusiastically.
"but tell me one thing, where you were from last two days??? " I asked.
"actually, it wasn't planned to go but my dad call me for some business deals at last moment" he explained.
"you're handling your dad's business from now only" I question him.
"yeah! Or not, I mean he is giving me lessons on business by these deals" he answered.
"he's doing a great job!! " I acted bit elderly and we giggled.
"so what about your roommate, who is she!! " he asked.
"don't ask!! And it's he not she" I answered monotonously.
"what??!!... Then who is the lucky guy" he asked excitedly.
"he is not lucky, he is a misfortune happened with me" I reply with low and irritated tone.
"what!!??,who tries to mess up with my friend" he asked with acting.
"friend!!! When we became friends " I tease him.
"we aren't friends??! No worry... " saying this he forward his hand to shake and also forward my hand and we shake hands. " we are!! " he completed.
"but you still didn't tell me the name!! " he said.
"mahir!!! " I clenched my jaw while saying this.
"mahir, you mean mahir sehgal" he asked and I nodded in reply.
"man...every girl is dying to be with him and you, you are cursing him, you know what your rivalry is similar to mines Bcs he is the one who snatch my first position of most handsome and eligible man category " he said in one breath and as I was having a sip of coffee so I was choked.
"what???!!! ' I was shocked, I mean now I'm definitely sure the one who gave second position to Steve is fool Bcs he is the one who gave mahir first position.
"I can't believe!!! " I was on the peak of shock.
" so try to believe baby!! " a voice came from behind and I can consider who's he mahir"
"and you brother, back bitching is girls job not yours" mahir said again but not to me but to Steve.
He came to us and gave that similar smirk which is permanently stick to his face. And for my bit surprise, Steve stood up and give a tight hug to him. Obviously bro hug nothing else.
"Belaa!! Meet my friend, Aaa... "best friend " steve" he stress on the word friend and what Steve is his best friend.
"Steve!! " I turn my face to him.
"yes!! Bela, we are friends " he accepted with his face down.
"oh really!! Just few seconds back you were calling him your rival and now!!! " I ask in seek of a proper answer.
Bcs I don't want to be a part of there any joke and fun.
"Belaa!! I was pulling your leg and giving my full sympathy to you " he explain and I glared him as in no time I will get up from this chair, pick that coffee mug near me and smash it on his head. But all in vain.
"aa... By the way mahir, she is my friend and your roommate too..bela" he did formality.
"yeah! I know, I know... Hello!! Belllaaaaa!!! " I said in arrogant tone and forward his hand to shake.
I also forward my hand and we shake hands. Both our faces have some unknown rivalry, smirk ,ego and most common arrogance. While shaking hands I feel his fingers moving on my finger smoothly, dancing and sensualy touching. I know his mind games, what he is trying to do. So I tightened my grip with his hands and using my thumb, I press a weak point in his hand. Clenching my hand with his fingers inside were giving a proper lesson that don't mess with me.
We were giving unstoppable glares to each other and with this I tighten my grip and I can feel his hand struggle in my grip but I was in mood to take all revenge of two days. I would have been broken his hand bones if Steve didn't jump into our fight and stop us by separate our hands.
I took my hand back and saw him immediately hiding his hand in his jacket's pocket.
"Steve I have my very important class, so I have to leave, you carry on!! " saying this I patted both of there shoulder and leave.
I attend my classes and mend my way to hostel. I'm very happy today specially after biology class, my biology profecesor is really impressed by me, actually not only him but I'm in every teacher's good books.
He gave me some special notes which will help me in my exams, and one of his self written book is gifted to me. I'm very happy, at least there's some light in this darkness.
I was going through a playground when my eyes catch some girls playing football at the third part of ground, it's a huge ground divided into three.
From my childhood, I used to play these outdoor games like football, cricket, badminton and so on.... I'm not like those girls who spend there almost time in makeup and outfits.
I love to these kind of things like: I love ride bikes, cars at midnight, karate, martial arts are my passion. I short I love to break bones especially of boys.
"not like that!! Move and goal!! " I instructed a girl playing wrong football.
Its my habit to intrupt when something is going wrong. I control myself for a while but all in vain. I join them on the ground and start playing without caring about others.
One... Two... Three and many more goals I did.
"wow!! Superbbb!!! Dear" I heard from behind.
I turn and saw a girl is standing in sports bra and shorts.
"thank you!! " I said with smile.
"I mean it's wonderful, do you take any training or.... " she didn't complete.
"no, no, no, training, I have learned by myself " I clarified.
"I have no words, I mean these girls are taking training from long but they aren't perfect but you are amazing... Without a second thought, I wanna ask you that would you like to join our football team" first she praise me, then gave me opportunity to perform best once again.
Without another thought I just said yes and she ask me to join from next week and I nodded and left. God is being very kind these days on me.
I enter the hostel and straight come to room, take out spare keys and open the door. And here the monster is sitting on his bed without giving any glance to him I put my stuff on its place, turn towards cupboard and take out my cloths and move towards bathroom. When I saw him reading books, I just widen my eyes in disbelief Bcs it's very rare of him reading books.
I kept my cloths on my bed and move to vanity to brush my hairs, I was combing my hairs when I saw him through mirror. If I put beside all the fights and rivalry, I must say he is handsome, especially in black and for a coincidence he is wearing black today. Black T-shirt with messy dark brown hairs and what he is sitting in his boxers, he should wear something. I shrugg off all the thoughts and went to bathroom.
I'm still thinking, he doesn't took any revenge of what happen in the morning. Maybe he understood that he mess with a wrong girl or that devil is still planning something or I already did something which is still unknown to me or....
"aaaaaaaa....!!!" I scream Bcs my eyes catches something to which I'm really afraid and that is lizards and cockroaches all over the bathroom.
I scream on the peak of my voice, I throw my clothes in the air and shouting,screaming and jumping in fear. With all this I run towards door to open but that damn door was closed.
"open the door mahir!!! " I shout for help but I hear some giggling from outside and now I get it, he did all this.
"mahir!! Open the door I said, I will kill you, you bloody creep, open the door" I cursed him with my every word.
"Belaaa!! Relax, it's just insects and lizards are your sisters na ,why you have to afraid from your relatives, just relax " he said in his devil voice.
In all this, I was struggling to open the door pushing it, kicking it and God knows what, what.
"look Bela, it's my style to take revenge and the bluish thing you did with my hand is still painting just Bcs of you I couldn't even go outside of my room, so first say sorry " he exclaimed.
"you moron, I would have apologized if you have make me realize normally but after this not at all, I would like to stay here rather saying you sorry" I showed my anger in my voice.
"okay!!! Fine stay with your relatives there only unless you apologize " he announced.
This was second part of 'roommates'.
I hope you guys enjoyed.
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Pls follow: Mehak-kashyup🙏🙏.
"your love is my encouragement"