Chapter 29

"I will need proof before I think about accepting your request."

"Sure, I'll get it right now."

I called Laffitte and Robert.

"Yo, guys."

"What is it? Didn't you say that we could have fun?" asked Robert

"You can continue having fun after you two do something for me."

"Sigh." x2

"I'll buy you whatever you want."

"Yes, sir!"

"That's more like it. I need you two to break into Crocodile's casino and find proof of him wanting to take over this country. Camera footage would be the best."

"Are you talking about the Warlord and how do you know that he wants to take over this country?" asked Laffitte

"Yes, the Warlord. I overheard one of his agents talking about it. Robert, can you use your Devil Fruit to take Laffitte with you?"

"I've never tried it before, but it should be possible."

"Good, call me back after you have enough evidence. Oh yeah, be careful of Crocodile. He has a logia devil fruit. He can use it to become sand."

"Yes, sir."

I hanged up.

I looked at the king.

"I'll take you back to the palace, and I'll be back with the evidence."

He nodded.

[1 hour later]

I've taken the king back to his palace. After that, I used Geppo to go away from the Alabasta.

I'm looking for a place to train.

'I've been training the rest a lot, but I've kinda been neglecting my training. I just did some simple training, but I need to do more than that to make it.'

I finally found a perfect spot. I stopped using Geppo, and I fell into the sea. I started swimming towards the bottom of the sea.


I smirked

I encased both my arms in Haki.

I saw a sea monster swimming towards me with his mouth open. I dodged him with Soru and appeared above him.


I hit him on top of his head.


Instead of injuring it, I just made it angry.


It ate me up.

'Urgh, it stinks!'




I kept hitting him from inside his mouth, but he didn't let me out.

'He is a though motherfucker, alright.'

I pulled my arm back.



It finally opened its mouth from the pain, and I escaped. We glared at each other.

'Now that I have a better look at it, it is massive. It must be a Sea King.'

I smirked.

'That's exactly what I needed.'


I disappeared and appeared in front of its eye.

I punched him in his eye.



It used it's tail to hit me.

'Argh, that actually hurt. It seems like I'll have to turn serious.'


I disappeared, but it predicted where I would appear and hit me with his tail again.


It hit me again.


And again.

'Am I really getting pummeled by fish?'


'I'll just try out my new technique.'


I appeared in front of it.




Its head got cut into big pieces.


'If I was on land, I could have cut it into small pieces. But even then, I wouldn't have been able to cut up his entire body. Even with my swords, that would be difficult. This guy is over 1000 meters (3280,84 feet) after all.'




I started hearing a lot of roars.

'I can finally start training seriously again.'

[3 days later]

I heard my Den Den Mushi going off while I was fighting sea monsters.


I disappeared from the sea and appeared above the clouds.

I picked up the Den Den Mushi.

"Hello captain." said Laffitte

"Yo. Have you got the evidence?"

"Yes, sir. We've got a lot. We know pretty much his entire plan. When, where, what, who. We know almost everything."

"Hahaha, I expected nothing less from you guys. Meet me at Alubarna."

"Yes, sir."

I hanged up the Den Den Mushi.

'Alright, I'll go back to training after I've got the king to accept.'


I followed the Eternal Log Pose to get back to Alabasta.

[30 minutes later]

I've got all the evidence from Laffitte and Robert. I'm now with the king in the desert again.

"So, what do you think of the evidence?"

He looked pissed.

"That dammed Crocodile! He is despicable!"

"So, about our deal."

"I can't accept that outrages deal. berries is too much, and what does Alabasta becoming your territory mean."

"I won't go lower than berries, and it means that I will be the true ruler of Alabasta. You'll just be ruling in my stead."

"I can't accept it. This is too much."

"Sigh. Your daughter and Igaram infiltrated Baroque Works. But Crocodile knows that, and he is planning to use her for his plans. As long as she is there, she could die at any second."

He had a shocked look on his face.

"If you accept, I'll also guarantee their safety."

"Sigh, I really can't pay that much right now. And asking for complete control of Alabasta is outrageous."

"Fine, 500 after I've taken care of Crocodile and 500 when you have it. You don't have to worry about me being in control of Alabasta, I won't hurt it, or it's people, I promise. But it's not like you have any other choice. Even if you tell everyone the truth, they have someone who can mimic other people's faces with his devil fruit. So what do you say?"

I held out my hand.

"Can you really not lower the price?"

I glared at him.

He was hesitating before he finally shook my hand.

"Fine, I accept your conditions as long as you promise not to hurt Alabasta or it's people."

"Good, now turn around."


"Just do it."

He turned around.

I took out a paper and put it on his back. I started writing on it.

"Alright, you can turn around."

He turned around.

"What were you writing."

I gave it to him.

"Our contract."

"Do you really think that I won't keep my word?"



He started reading.

"Alright, this is fine. Can you lend me your pen so I can sign."

"Why are you still trying to cheat me? Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you right now?"

"Wh… what do you mean!?"

"You have a seal, which is your signature as the King of Alabasta."

"Sigh, you're too smart."

He took out his red seal and placed it on the contract. I took the contract and hid it away.

"I'll take care of it as fast as possible."


I disappeared.


[Do you guys know how any good ways for Ken to train his Haki? And is there anyone from Crocodile's organization that I should recruit? I'm already planning to take Robin and another one.]