Chapter 30

I went right back to training in the ocean.

'I'm not planning to take care of Crocodile right now; I'll just keep an eye on him. I'm sure that he is also keeping an eye on my crewmembers.'


'Alright, let's make some Sashimi.'

[Crocodile P.O.V.]

I'm sitting in my office with a couple of wanted posters in my hands.

"What is he doing here? It just seems like his crew is having fun, but he is nowhere to be found. What do you think he is up to, Miss All Sunday?"

"This is probably just the island on his way to the New World. And his crew must be just having fun."

"But where is Ken? He should also be having fun, right? But he is nowhere to be found."

She smiled.

"Maybe he is just to good for your spies."

I glared at her.

"I was just joking, Mr 0."

"Tsk, if you're so much better, how about you go and find him for me."


"Don't "Huh?" me. Go and find him now!"

"Yes, sir."

She left my office.

'I don't think that they just came to have fun. Even the king has been acting really weird lately.'


'Maybe it's just in my head.'

[Robin P.O.V.]

I'm in my room thinking about how to find, Ken.

'Why is he so scared of Ken? I don't know much about him. I just know that he is from the East Blue, where he got a 350.000.000 berries bounty, and his crewmates also have high bounties. One of them even has only alive on his wanted poster. But why would they want to attack him? It will get them nothing.'


'I should start with his crewmates.'

I walked out of the hideout and started traveling to Alubarna, where most of them are.

[3 hours later]

I finally arrived at Alubarna, but it is already dark, so I searched for a hotel and stayed there.

After I checked into my hotel, I went to my room when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry."

He walked passed me.

"It's okay, Robin. Just be more careful next time."

I turned around, but he was already gone.

'Huh, how does he know my name? Wait! I know that face.'

I quickly took out a bounty poster.


I tried to use my devil fruit to find him, but he was already gone.

'So, he is here. And he also immediately recognized me. But why did he call me by my first name? Normally people that recognize me always call me by my nicknames or my full name.'


'This guy is giving me a headache. I should just go to sleep right now.'

[Next day]

I walked out of the hotel and spent my entire day spying on his crewmembers.

I'm inside an old building, and I'm using my Devil Fruit to spy on Sabo.

'Why do I have to spy on people having fun?'

I was about to go back to the hotel when I heard something behind me. I turned around, and there was nothing.

'It must be tired.'

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.


I jumped away. When I looked back, I saw Ken.

"Hahaha, you have such a cute scream for a devil's child."

'What is he doing here!? Did he find out that I was spying on his crewmates!'

"But let's get to business. Why are you spying on my crewmates?"

'Damn it.'

"I wasn't spying."

He glared at me, and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe.

"One more lie, and I'll kill you."


'This guy is terrifying! And he doesn't look like he is bluffing.'

"Now, let me ask again, why were you spying on my crewmates?"

'What should I do now!? If he catches me lying, he'll kill me, but if I tell him about Crocodile, I will be killed by Crocodile.'

"I'll count from 10 to 0, and if you haven't answered by then, I'll kill you. 10… 9… 8...."

'I'm screwed! Why am I always so unlucky. Am I really a devil's child?'

"7… 6… 5… 4…"

'No! I won't die here today!'

I crossed my arms.

I used my Devil Fruit to bind him with arms.


"3… 2… 1…"

'Huh!? How can he not be harmed! Is he even human!'



He disappeared and appeared in front of me.


He hit me in my gut.

'After everything I went through, I'm dying like this. Maybe it's better that my suffering ends early.'

My eyes closed, and I lost consciousness.

[Ken P.O.V.]

I caught her before she fell down.

'Oops, I guess I went a little overboard. I thought that she could take more than that. I just wanted to scare Crocodile a little. I didn't mean to go so overboard. She must be terrified of me right now.'


'I guess I'll just take her back to the hotel.'

Sabo appeared in front of me.

"So she's the spy. But did you really have to hit her that hard?"

"I'm just stronger than I thought."

"What will you do with her?"

"I'll take her back to her hotel."

"How do you know where she stays."

"We stay at the same hotel."

"Wait? Isn't that too dangerous?"

"Let's stop talking. Maybe she has some hidden recorder hidden somewhere, and I don't feel like searching for it."

"Haha, we both know that that isn't true. I better not find out that you did something you shouldn't have."

I smirked.

"You want to fight me over her?"

He also smirked.


"Hahaha, you'll never have a chance."

I picked Robin up and disappeared with her.

We appeared at her room, and I was quickly able to lockpick the door and enter.

I placed her on her bed and left.

'I feel really bad about hitting her so hard, but who cares. #GENDEREQUALITY'

I went into my room and went to sleep.

[Next day]




I'm currently using a Sea King as a punching bag.


Another sea monster came swimming towards me.

'Maybe I should start using a different tactic.'

The sea monster tried to hit me, and instead of dodging, I blocked it without Haki.


'This is more difficult than I thought.'




It kept hitting me over and over again.

'This hurts so much! But it should be helpful. This is how Garp taught me, after all.'


It sent me flying back.

It smirked.

'Wait, did it just…'

The water around me started heating up.

(AN: Just anime effects. Don't read to much into it.)


I disappeared and appeared in front of his head.

I smirked.


I killed it with one hit, effectively removing its ugly smirk.



Something suddenly flew past me.

'What was that?'

The water around me suddenly started turning red. I touched my cheek.

'Something cut my cheek! It was so fast that I couldn't even see or sense it!'


'It cut me again!'





'This is going nowhere. It keeps cutting me, and I can't keep up with it. I have no other choice.'

I closed my eyes. I kept extremely still, even when it was cutting me; I didn't move.


I suddenly opened my eyes.

I moved my finger to the right.


'It hit!'

I looked to my right and saw a small creature that looks like some kind of snake with a hole through its head.

'Damn, it seems like size really doesn't matter.'


I got cut again.

'Don't tell me…'

I looked behind me.

I saw an entire army of those snake creatures.

'There are at least 300 of those things!'

*WOOSH* x300