Chapter 190

"Ultimate Technique..."

Ken sped towards Kaido as the ground under him got destroyed by the force of his steps. Kaido grabbed onto his club and got ready to meet the attack.

"Thunderclap Eight Trigrams!" screamed Kaido.

Kaido and Ken both swung their weapons towards each other. But the moment their weapons collided, Shusui sliced right through Kaido's club, and Ken zoomed right past him. Stopping a couple of meters behind him.

"...Severing the Strings of Fate!"

Both Ken and Kaido stood there unmoved, till a giant slash appeared in the ground that spanned for hundreds of meters with kaido in the center of it. The slash was so deep that you couldn't see the end.


Kaido fell down on his knees as blood flew into the air, and a giant cut appeared across his chest, which formed an X together with the old scar Ken gave him at Marineford.

"I planned to cut you in half together with this land, but it seems like I've underestimated you. Even though it is an imperfect technique, its power is something that even I-"

But before Ken could finish his sentence, he had to quickly use his sword to block a giant fist.

"Did you think that you had won? To think you would underestimate me so much that you would use an imperfect technique. Now I'm pissed!"

Ken looked on with shock as the wound he had just inflicted on Kaido started to heal, till it was completely closed up.

'Tsk, he never had an ability like in the original series. Why the hell did the butterfly effect have to be so big,' thought Ken as he jumped back to dodge an attack from Kaido. Ken immediately ran back towards Kaido and slashed down at him. But Kaido blocked the attack with his arm.

Kaido tried to punch him, but Ken jumped into the air and landed on his arm. He immediately slashed his sword at Kaido's neck, making blood fly into the air again. But the wound instantly closed up again. Ken jumped into the air to dodge another punch and started rapidly spinning in the air.

"Wheel of Death!"

Kaido put up both of his arms above his head to try and block the attack coming from above. Ken hit him with one strike, then two and three. He kept spinning and slashing at Kaido's arms till he suddenly stopped spinning. Haoshoku Haki flowed into Shusui and Ken's muscles bulged up considerably. He instantly slashed down at Kaido's wrist with all his might.

"Severing Wave!"


Kaido looked shocked as his left hand fell onto the ground, but he quickly got his composure back and ignored the pain. He immediately grabbed Ken's face with his right hand, smashing him into the ground. He picked Ken up and held him in front of him.


Ken winced in pain as Kaido kicked him in the stomach. But Kaido didn't let him go after one kick. He kicked him again and again, and again, and again, and again, and…


In the sky, three specks of different color flames could be seen colliding with each other. A light blue, dark blue, and a red flame. Every second there was an ear defending explosion of flames. The air around them has gotten so hot that even though they were dozens of meters in the sky, the ocean underneath them was boiling.

The light blue and dark blue flames suddenly jumped back to reveal a person and a phoenix. Opposite of them was a Pteranodon clad in black, with red flames coming out from his back.

"Is this all you've got? If so, how about you hand that crown over already before you get hurt, King," said Ace.

"Shut up, you idiot. It's already hard enough as it is, and you're trying to add more oil to the fire," said Marco.

"Hard? Oh, sorry, I forgot who I had backing me up. Don't worry; I'll stoop down to your level so you won't feel all sad and depressed about your strength."

"Tsk, I'll deal with you after we're done here."

However, before they could attack each other again, King suddenly got kicked in the face and sent crashing down towards Onigashima. He didn't manage to stop himself in time, so he had no choice but to firm it. The fall created a giant crater that destroyed a part of the island. King immediately stood up and was about to fly back into the air when he suddenly froze. He looked to his left and saw a decapitated body. The head was nowhere to be found.

"Queen!" screamed out King in shock. He had never expected that Queen would actually be killed. He looked up in the sky to see Sabo hovering in the sky with Geppo.

"Sorry about your friend, but it was necessary."

"I don't care. This fool had it coming. But don't think that I'll let any of you escape here alive either."

"Ey, wait! What are you doing here, Sabo! This is my opponent! I won fair and square," said Ace.

"Sorry, Ace, but this isn't the time to care about things like this. I can sense that Ken has already joined the fight, and everyone that was fighting Kaido earlier has already been defeated."

"What! I didn't even notice."

"Yeah, I also didn't notice till I finished my fight. Perona and Mura are also here, and Robert took Chopper with him to heal the wounded. So let's kill this guy so we can back Ken up."

"Fine, I guess we have no choice. Ey Marco, don't slow us down." As Ace said that, he and Sabo rushed towards King, while Marco quickly followed behind them.


Chopper emerged from the shadows together with Robert and was shocked at the scene he saw. A row of wounded people lay on the ground, two of which were his Captain and crewmate. Luckily all of them were awake.

"Chopper! Quickly tell Robert that I'm fine so that I can go back! Ken won't be able to beat him alone!" screamed Luffy with worry in his eyes.

"Sit down, you idiot. You already had your chance and failed miserably. Just leave it to Captain now. There is no opponent out there that he can't beat," said Robert.


"Luffy, just with a glance, I can tell that you're in no shape to fight. As a doctor, I can't allow any of you to leave right now," said Chopper as he quickly grabbed his bags and ran over to the ones with the biggest injuries.

"They're right, Strawhat. None of us are capable of battle right now. And there is no need for us to fight anyway. Azure Ken is a monster like no other," said Law

"Did you fight him before or something?" asked Kid, who was chained to the ground by Robert so that he wouldn't run back to fight Kaido.

"I didn't need to fight him to know that. He came to recruit me 2 years ago, but when I rejected his offer, I suddenly felt a fear that I've never felt before. I felt like I should just give up and die. Kaido's aura couldn't even come close. But luckily he just warned me to not point my sword against him, or I'd regret it."

"Haha, sorry about that. Captain can get pretty scary sometimes. If it wasn't for Deuce, most of us would have already been dead because he goes a little overboard in sparring," said Robert.

Luffy suddenly started shivering.

"He killed me three times before," said Luffy with his teeth clattering.

"What! That guy is completely crazy. But I didn't know that a doctor exists that could bring people back to life," said Kid.

"It's not that magical. He just uses science and medical knowledge. Everyone could do it if they're skilled enough," said Robert.

"Can you do it, Law?"

"I'm a surgeon, not whatever monster he is."

"Fair enough."

"Ey Kuzan."

"Yeah, Tani?"

"I won, right?"


"But I delivered more hits."

"I saved everyone here a thousand times."

"I got hit less than you."

"I stayed conscious longer than you."





- The first person convicted of speeding was going eight mph.

- The world wastes about 1 billion metric tons of food each year.

(Could have fed a lot of kids in Africa with that.)

- Kids ask 300 questions a day.

- The heads on Easter Island have bodies.

- Goosebumps are meant to ward off predators.

- Your nostrils work one at a time.