
Facing the Demon

The car sinks deeper and deeper into the ocean's bottom. 

Pressing my hands against the back windscreen, hoping to force it out. 

No success. 

I swim through the car full of water to the driver's seat, punching the glass till it breaks. 

No success. 

The pressure of the water starts to fill up my lungs, collapsing on them. Fighting for my life, I continue to punch the glass till my knuckles bruise and bleed. Feeling my life slowly fade away at every punch I make. 

The car reaches the lake's bottom with a loud impact. My death feels so close that I feel it's touch. 

Seeing that all my efforts are leading up to nothing, I eventually give up, letting myself go and float aimlessly in the car. I close my eyes, waiting for my death to arrive. The darkness I see feels strangely comforting. 

My whole life begins to flash in front of my eyes. All the memories of my brother begin to each come back to me. 

To bad it's only happening now when I'm dying. 

But as I stop drifting off in my memories, getting closer to my death, a picture of my brother's face stays paused in the flashes. 

He stares me down, opens his mouth and in a great voice says,  "NOT YET"

Suddenly I open my eyes again, with a great determination to live. Swimming back to the window, I begin to kick the door, hoping that the weak window will drop down. 

Constantly kicking at it, my kicks getting harder by each kick.  Not knowing were I found this strength to keep on fighting for my life. I keep kicking at the door. 

The window finally drops down, not that much, but enough for me to stick my hands through and force the rest of it down. 

I swim through the open window, looking up to far surface of the water. Desperately swimming upwards to reach the pleasing air I need. With what little strength I have, I desperately keep on swimming till... 

"Gasp", I've made it to the surface and the air never tasted so sweeter.

I swim to the shore, making my way onto bare ground and laying on top of it on my back. 

Taking a few more breaths of life, I'm so thankful for being alive. But I feel a shadowy presence close by. Lifting my head up, I see a dark figure in the distance, some sort of man dressed in all black, his face covered by his hoody.

I get up, looking at this figure and knowing what exactly it is. 

"It's you, the thing that has being tormenting me for the past couple of days. You must be some kind of Demon that has manifested from my fears", speaking to the figure. 

It doesn't respond back, but just stares me down. Clenching my fist, I put myself in attack mode, ready to face this thing head on. 

Yelling out, "Enough of this", I run towards it. It too runs towards me. 

We both get closer, lifting our fists to strike. But as they almost touch everything around falls into a blinding light.