Driving like a crazy man behind the wheel, swerving through traffic trying to get to my mother.
I don't know which particular emotion I was feeling, it felt like I had them all.
Anger, sadddness, depression, betrayal, were only at the tip of the iceberg of all the emotions I was feeling.
Waiting by a stop light, my impatience grew to immeasurable heights. Gripping the steering wheel tightly, grinding my teeth together, I was boiling with anger.
"Change already" yelling at the red robot light.
The other drivers next to me must of felt scared, for my now boiling anger was leaking out of control.
When the robot finally turned green, I held no hesitation and put my foot down flat on the accelerator. Hearing the car's screams of pain as I pushed it's engine to the limit didn't deturn me from reaching my mother's place in one piece.
Speeding like a speed demon down the highway, the things around me were just shadowy blurs.
Drawing close to a bridge with a lake at the bottom, I began to slow down just a bit.
Looking in my rearview mirror I noticed that same black car following behind. A chill of fear ran down my spine all of a sudden.
Seeing it's intentions from the distance, I could see it wasn't stopping and was planning to cut me off. I pulled the car closer to the weak wall of the bridge and the black car followed, pushing me closer to the wall.
Seeing the water below beside the bridge, I felt a drowing feeling filling my throat. Hitting the brake as hard as possible, hoping to avoid the accident about to happen.
"SNAP", went my brake lines as the car and I lost control.
In a feeling of slow motion, I watched myself going down into the waters. A couple of heart beats later there was a loud, THUD as the front of the car hit the face of the lake.
Knocking my head on the steering wheel, I blacked out for a minute. Opening my eyes, I found water flowing into my car as it began to sink to the bottom.
Till eventually the car was completely filled with water.
Both the car and I were now drowning.