Stars Are Falling

"How wicked!" Xue Wei swore when he learned the truth about the priestess and her bloodline. She nodded in response. "In the oath that the villagers swear, they also have to swear that they will make their descendants swear the same oath."

"Once upon a time, a young man refused to take the oath and ran away, resulting in his father dying through the destruction of his soul. Since then, no one has even thought about escaping from this fate."

"What about you?" Xue Wei asked curiously. "Don't you have to swear an oath as well? Are you not going against that oath right now?"

Jiang Fengmian shook her head sadly. "I don't have to swear the oath. The experts who made all of this happen were certain that the villagers would be able to keep me, and my ancestors, in check."

"It is the same with the women and the children; they are not forced to make the same oath, because the experts were certain that they would just do their best to support their spouses and friends."