Twelve Great Families

"Father, look at the sky!" a child cried out while looking out of the window. The scene this child saw was being repeated an unknown amount of times throughout the entire world.

In the beginning, one star had started falling from the sky, but after a brief moment, more and more stars fell from the heavens, painting the entire night sky with beams of light as they descended towards the ground.

There were millions of stars in the skies, but that night, over half of them began collapsing and descending towards the earth.

Many of these stars burned up before they hit the ground, extinguished like dying lights in the sky, but a few landed with massive explosions on all the different continents.

If anyone was not awake at this point, the event certainly woke them. This phenomenon sent ripples of shock throughout the world; something like this had never before happened before, so many started making divinations about it.