Killing Below Hideousness

But instead of giving up, the black mist blended with Aaron's innate strength, allowing him to perceive enough to beam across the island.

The next moment, the voices of those villagers' conversation reached Aaron's ears.

"What to do, will we all die when the ominous moon comes?"

"Don't worry. The High Priest said that a demon would be used to sacrifice to the gods to calm their anger."

"That monster that looks into people's hearts? It's better to be dead, that kind of monster that can see through people's hearts wasn't meant to live in this world."

"But... Aaron has helped us a lot with his powers..."

"Do you dare to live with a monster like that in a good way?"

"Ahem, by the way, do rituals and stuff work? Why had I never heard of it?"

"Who knows, but the High Priest wouldn't lie to us, would he?"

Aaron's face remained static, and although he never said it to the villagers' faces, he'd always known what they thought of him.

The perception goes further, and in the next moment, the conversation in the higher levels of the temple is projected before Aaron's eyes.

" Aaron... It's a pity, with his talent, I was going to train him to be the most powerful warrior in the clan!"

"Chief, you and I both know very well that the clan's power is no longer enough to defend against the more rampant pirates. We can't wait for the day he grows up, even if he is born with the power that the outside world calls Kenbunshoku Haki, what's the point if he can't be of use to us?"

"What a pity, this kind of talent is something I've never heard on even if I've traveled the sea for many years. What's even more remarkable is that even though others ostracized Aaron for being able to see into people's hearts, he never changed his original intention to help everyone!"

"Huh? It can only be blamed on the injustice of fate. Why is it that our clan, which has protected the world for thousands of years, has to meet extinction? Rather than letting the Seven Star Sword fall into the hands of those pirates, it would be better to sacrifice Aaron to the Seven Star Sword, and we might be able to completely control the power of the Seven Star Sword and then rise to power on the sea!"

"High Priest, I've been thinking about it, but why don't we forget it? A magic weapon like the Sword of the Seven Stars is not a power that humans can control, but it will invite disaster and bad luck to cure the darkness by coveting it!"

"Chief, do you think we can turn back? Let's not talk about anything else. If that brat Aaron knew that we sold his sister to a slaver ship, he would surely have no problem killing us, even if he was kind!"

"Slave ship... slave ship?" At this moment, Aaron's soul was like a candle in a storm, the flame soaring and falling, wavering, and fading.

And the conversation in the temple continues.

"It's...hey! I was also so overwhelmed by greed that I did such a thing, maybe if we apologize, that nice boy Aaron will still forgive us?"

"Oh, Chief, you're such a hypocrite! However, I'm not going to stand in front of that monster again. If I hadn't forcefully hypnotized myself the day before yesterday, the matter of the slave hunter ship might have been exposed, and I don't want to experience that frightening feeling a second time..."

"Slave ship... slave ship... hahaha! That's ridiculous! I hate it so much, I hate my stupidity, I hate my incompetence..." tears of blood seeped from Alan's eyes, and he fell to his knees on the ground in agony, the solid rock also leaving scratches on his fingers.

"Go... take the sword in the sarcophagus, it will grant you the power of vengeance!" The noise of the black mist was reappearing.

Aaron walked like a zombie to the sarcophagus and drew the Sword of the Seven Stars.

The terrifying soul storm instantly shredded Aaron's soul consciousness, but the conviction in his heart prevented the Seven Stars Sword from taking more than half as far as it could.

A soul from the different worlds merged in through time and space, struggling with Aaron's remaining soul for possession of his physical identity.

The seed of hatred and the desire to live was the most potent forces in this world that could explode with unlimited potential, and the two souls crossed, fought against each other, and stagnated, but eventually merged into one brand new soul.



The temple doors were violently broken open, and the Chief and high priest stunned to see Aaron, who emerged from the bottom floor with a sword in hand, his eyes filled with the desire to kill and destroy so much that their souls almost chilled.

"That... that's the Seven Stars Sword! Aaron, you even pulled it out, great, hand over the Seven Stars Sword to me now!" Finally, greed overcame the fear in his heart, and with his eyes filling with green light, the Chief walked step by step towards Aaron.

"Gulp!" The High Priest averted his eyes without a fight, not daring to stare at them at all, and the cold sweat seeping down his back made him slightly more apparent, as if things weren't going the way they thought they would.

"I hear a slave hunt ship!" Aaron's steps were slow, the tip of his sword slicing through the ground without making a crack or blast of sparks, but rather cutting through the ground with ease.

The Chief stared, remembering the high priest's warning from before, and cold sweat flowed down defiantly: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding! Aaron, you have to believe me, I was going to train you to be the most powerful warrior in the clan...ah!"

One arm fell off, and the Chief's only remaining left hand covered his head and screamed in agony as if he had suffered beyond words.

The High Priest was chilled and confused at the same time. Was the Clan Chief crazy? Why are you covering your head with a broken arm?

Soon the High Priest understood the pain of the Clan Chief. It was a stabbing pain that went deep into his soul as if a thousand snakes and rats and ants were crawling and gnawing at him, the pain of a broken arm was merely hard enough to do anything.

Worst of all, Aaron doesn't seem to be planning to let them die a painful death, but a painful death alive!

"Is that... the voice of the High Priest and the Clan Chief?"

"What's going on in the temple? Let's go inside!"

Aaron lifted the Seven Stars Sword, and there was a cruel smile on his lips.

Soon, blood flowed from the temple, spreading around the village and eventually covered the entire island.

And the slaughtering continues!

It's a long night!


Three days later, a dozen pirate ships docked on the shore.

"Boss, is that legend about the cursed holy sword true?"

"Hahahahaha! Idiot. Of course, it's a lie. Do you believe that kind of talk about children? If there were something like that, the pirates who have visited this island would have been rich by now, so where else would it be our turn to take chances?"

"Ah? Then what are we doing here?"

"Of course we're picking up chances, this kind of village with a long history might be hiding something good. Also, most of the villagers here have been fighting pirates for years and are not weak, so let's see if we can recruit some cannon fodder!"

"Hehe, the boss sure is smart... UGH! What is this smell?"

"Gulp!" The pirate captain's Adam's apple pulsed up and down, gathering the courage to step forward, "This should be the smell of blood, but... with such a strong smell, it can't be that all the inhabitants of this island are dead, right?"

"The ship...Captain, why don't we forget about going in?"

"Idiots, we're vicious pirates, how can we retreat here?"

After half a quarter-hour, all the pirates fled back—almost all of them suffering from a phobia of blood. Many of them even went mad, never daring to mention the matter of being a pirate again.

Soon, word spreads out about the genocide on Asca Island, causing the seas to shock and being defined by the World Government as a vicious massacre of pirates, thus triggering a strong resistance to pirates in all seas.

Published in Qidian, February 13, 2019