The Third Personality

The night was quiet.

Lying on the bed, Longinus calmly opened his eyes and sat up straight. The seven-star sword that emitted a greenish glow came out of his hand, the blade trembling gently.

"After three years, you still haven't given up? Every time I use your power, it makes me revisit a nightmare from three years ago, should know that Aaron is me...but I'm not Aaron!"

"He's just a part of my soul, Daisy... I will find her, but only if I use the power I can control!"

The green glow dimmed, and the tremors faded out, then the sword merged back into Longinus's body.

Longinus didn't care, though it was much more obedient than it had been three years ago, and ultimately it was no more than mindless dumb stuff.

He now possesses a perfectly rational personality as the Host Personality, and two sub-personalities entirely controlled by the Host Personality.

Aaron's soul shattered into a secondary personality that he calls the Kind Personality, which he relies on for his courage to enter the Marines. When it comes to acting, who can rival an authentic self?

And, in the Kind Personality state, he can use his talents of this body entirely.

It was the same innate Kenbunshoku Haki as Aisa of Skypiea and Princess Otohime of Fishman Island, which could even see others' hearts when they were unguarded.

It doesn't compare to the ridiculously talented BIG-MOM, but it's still a great start to the best of them anyway.

As for the different souls that came across time and space, not only did they let him know about the future path of this world, but also as the host body of the Seven Star Sword. They possessed a terrifying killing intent, which he called the Killer Personality.

This personality was also the source of his power, for even the life and soul of a being killed by the Seven Star Sword would be devoured, eventually to feed into Longinus's body.

The biggest reason he was able to increase his physique to the point where he could powerfully challenge Zoan Ability User in just three years was that... he had already killed the surrounding sea king types.

It was the main reason why Longinus had no intention to eat the Devil Fruit. Why give up the whole sea for a single Devil Fruit when there was a stable and reliable power source!

After all, Longinus knew that near the Fishman Island under the 10,000-meter deep sea, there was a supergiant sea king class that was thousands of meters in size, and that was the biggest thing that he relied on setting foot on top of the world.

As for souls, the effect of the Sea King class was nowhere near that of humans, but of course, this refers mainly to the strong souls.

That's why Longinus has his eye on Impel Down, and why he wants to find an opportunity to kill as a marine.

Not only can the host personality with absolute rationality easily switch soul states at any time so that when he calls off his minion in the future, but even the highest depths of Kenbunshoku Haki also cannot see through his disguise.

And with triple soul power, the host frame is affected similarly to a leader's aura. Otherwise, those scouts wouldn't have taken his words seriously.

While this leader-like aura ability only works for those whose soul will is much weaker than his own, in Longinus' case, it relieves him of the last concern of joining the Marines - the Celestial Dragon.

Longinus was well aware that unless he defected from the Marine like so many of those who had crossed over before him at every turn, the Celestial Dragons' problem was arguably a significant problem that every Marine could not avoid.

With the suppression of his soul, at least he would not have to worry that he would be impatient enough to slaughter a Celestial Dragon.

As far as Longinus is concerned, unless the World Government can be overthrown, killing a Celestial Dragon will only make things worse. If the killer is strong enough to escape the Admiral, the people he "saves" will suffer more from their anger.

Longinus doesn't consider himself a good man but despises even less being the kind of hypocrite who does evil deeds under a good man's banner.

In short, he wasn't going to kill the Celestial Dragons, but the smaller ones would have nothing to do either way.

After all, as Lu Xun once said, the horse and the persona are legally two separate individual relationships!


The next day, the golden sun shines through the clouds onto the sea, and the warm sea breeze blows across everyone's smiling faces.

Those who experienced life and death would always be stronger than before. Although the shade from death had yet to dissipate, they were lucky enough to survive from the Giant Rhino Pirates and even managed to execute one of the best counter-attacks, compared to the towns that had been slaughtered by the Giant Rhino Pirates.

And all of this is attributed to one man, to a man who was once an outsider!

"Longinus, I owed it to you yesterday." The Mayor said, half ashamed and half grateful, "Or rather, it's been thanks to you for the past three years!"

"If you and everyone else hadn't rescued me three years ago, Mayor, I would have died from exhaustion from struggling with the waves. Why would I have waited for today?" Longinus shakes his head, not taking credit for it.

"Yes! We in Fallen Leaf were most fortunate to have got you back to the town three years ago when you were in trouble on the coast." The Mayor exclaimed with emotion.

The townspeople gathered here, not only to continue yesterday's festivities but also because of the departing of Longinus.

"Longinus nii-san, make sure you come back and visit us often from now on!" said some snotty little miscreant with a flowing snout.

"What are you talking about him! Longinus nii-san is a man who is going to be an admiral, and that kind of big man must be hunting down evil pirates every day, where is the time to play with a little kid like you?" Baki waved his hand. In his concept, the Admiral must be one of those great heroes who dedicate every moment of his life to justice.

Longinus just smiled, not breaking any of his bright fantasies.

"Then I...then I'm going to join the Marine when I grow up, and fight like Longinus nii-san, and protect everyone as Longinus nii-san did!" However, the little one dried his nose and waved his little hand " ambitiously," he stated.

In response to the town's well-wishes, Longinus laughed with a generous smile, "So... everyone, I'm leaving, and if nothing else, I should be joining the G2 branch of the Marine Corps, so you can find me there if you need anything in the future!"

Almost all of the townspeople wept goodbye: " Longinus, be sure to work hard to become an Admiral, even though Fallen Leaf is not your hometown, we'll always be proud of you!"

Longinus waved his hand and made his way to the sea without looking back.

The few pirates who managed to survive because of working the ship followed behind Longinus with caution and boarded a ship that originally belonged to the Giant Rhino Bandits.

Lowering the sails and maneuvering the rudder, the ship carrying Longinus faded away from the coastline.

Published in Qidian, February 14, 2019