Commodore Adkin laughed aloud, "That means the Marine high-ups have high hopes for you, and your reputation is well known! It's rare for someone like you to be valued and praised by Headquarters' higher-ups while you're still in the Marine Branch. Don't disappoint those higher-ups after you go to the Marine Headquarters boot camp, and also show those guys in other branches and this division who have their eyes on the future stars of our G2 branch!"
"Marine Headquarters Recruit Academy...has that approval come down yet?" Longinus looked touched and asked softly.
"That's right, although you're a captain now, Longinus, it's best not to miss this opportunity. Only those who come out from that officer's nurturing crib are considered a true member of the Marine."
Commodore Adkin showed some hint that he was looking forward to it and then said: "Moreover, in that boot camp, in addition to having Admiral Zephyr teaching personally, there will also be strong Vice Admiral Garp and Vice Admiral Sakazuki to give advice occasionally, plus the future of the ocean will be gathered there, which can greatly broaden your horizons and broaden your connections."
"I understand, I'll be attending this boot camp!" Longinus said with a solemn nod.
"Hahaha! I'm sure that with your talent and hard work, even in that tough boot camp, you'll make a name for yourself soon!" Commodore Adkin smiled with satisfaction.
"There are nine of you who have been recommended for this session, and besides you, there are T. Bone, Gregory, Hubert, Abraham, Algernon, Austin, Alwar, and Andre. About them, you should be more familiar than I am so that I won't say more."
Longinus nodded. He was naturally familiar with the fact that these were the younger members of the G2 Faction who voluntarily followed him.
"In fact, after one month, the nine of you will sail with the warship to the Headquarters in Marineford. Of course, without being too disrespectful, I will leave half a month to complete the task ahead of you and complete the handover formalities as soon as possible, while the last half month will be spent exploring around. After all, it might not be so easy for you guys to return to the branch later on when you are inaugurated at this headquarters."
"Half a month?..." repeated Longinus softly, his eyes narrowed, just as he could use the last half of the month to take care of certain things.
"But well, it's going to take us half a month to make a run for it, there's a massive war breaking out on Saint Martin. Those kings reached certain political agreements that they don't want it was continuing, but they want the Marine to end that war as mediators for safety's sake."
Commodore Adkin continued, " In short, this is a pact of nations akin to mediating disputes to end the war. As you know, I'm the worst at these things that require eloquence, so this time I'll trouble you again to help me with this mess as you did before."
Longinus said helplessly, "Is this okay, I'm just an ensign..."
"Haha! Don't worry, those kings are human beings, respectively, no one will think you're not qualified, and besides, I'll be there to stand in for you, and you'll have full authority when the time comes, think of me as a mascot." Commodore Adkin wasn't the least bit ashamed and had become quite proficient with those tricks over the past two years.
"Well, if you've come to that point, then I'll have to take it stoically..."
"Hahaha! Those who can do it will be able to do it!" Commodore Adkin slapped Longinus' shoulder in a quite cheeky manner, and as he was about to leave the room, he stopped again. He said, "By the way, I remember you have a little girlfriend in the Kingdom of Hiskar, the spot of this covenant is there, you can just go there to visit your parents, you'd need to thank me... Hahahaha! !"
"Please, she's twelve!" Listening to Commodore Adkin's becoming dirty laugh, Longinus replied quite frustrated. It felt like the place called the school in the memories of that otherworldly soul, as long as there was slightly high interaction between men and women, the next day, there were rumors about it immediately.
It seems there's quite the potential for such things as gossip in any world!
Longinus shook his head slightly and left the office area. Suddenly, a strong wind blew behind him, and Longinus completely defied the effects of gravity, dodging the attack by leaning his body forward over 90° and restored his body like clockwork. He hit the person behind him in a shoulder strike that sent him flying dozens of meters away.
"To me, an attack from any direction is the same, haven't you learned your lesson after all this time, Abraham?" Longinus didn't have to look back to know who had just attacked him.
"Hey! I thought you'd let your guard down if I didn't see my boss thinking about things, but you're ruthless with that bump, and my chest is still hurting even now!" Abraham's voice echoed at the right time, and it was one of the nine who had been named earlier by Commodore Adkin.
"You're persistent, even Andre's sniper rifle didn't work on the boss, so it would be weird if that sneak attack of yours worked!" Austin said despisingly.
"It's useless for me to hit the boss even if I could, unless the range is within thirty meters, the power of a sniper bullet won't even penetrate the boss's defenses." Andre's weak voice sounded.
"Boss, you're honestly telling me that you're a human that was turned by the Ancient Sea King class that ate the Devil Fruit, right!" Gregory grumbled.
"Did you all manage to get together? It seems you already got that message?" Longinus said.
"Yes! Longinus-san, we are all very excited and thrilled to know that we will be heading to the Marine Headquarters in a month!" Bone said.
"I should say half excited and half scared!" Algernon rolled his eyes and was speechless.
Gregory nodded at the news, "We are talented, but we are considered mediocre when placed in the entire Marine, not to mention compared to a true monster like the boss. There are more powerful people than us in this headquarters."
Hubert followed up, "Although we don't have the ambitious ideas that you had, we don't want to be irrelevant from here either. We also want to go higher on this path and want to keep following your path!"
"So, what you're saying is..." the corner of Longinus's mouth lifted.
"We hope to follow you again for another special training session in hell with you, Boss!" The eight of them looked at each other and bowed down together, begging for permission.
"Have you made up your mind? Don't you dare to cry off and leaving only halfway like you did that time six months ago, but I remember when it seemed like Bone was the only one which had lasted." Longinus gave a dangerous smile.
"Gulp!" As if they recalled the fear of that day, sweat seeped out of their foreheads, but they still said with trembling voices, "Please!" with "firm determination".
Published in Qidian, February 21, 2019