Cobra the Fans

"732 people and only 61 of them can eventually return to their homeland?" After getting the exact result, Hina said to herself in a low voice.

"You've done a good job, at least 61 families have still been saved, and at least those that are left don't have to become slaves," General Louis reassured.

"Hina-sama, this has been an extremely glorious victory. Unlike other pirates, those pirates under the slaver's banner, due to having hostages as shields, often we don't dare to push too hard to ensure the safety of the hostages, so we can only let them release some of the slaves before making plans."

Commodore Adkin sighed at the same time was not shy of words of appreciation said, "Although we also know that this practice will significantly encourage those slave hunters ships, it is too difficult to balance safety and results. Your action this time has undoubtedly much beaten the arrogance of those pirates, and I will give you credit for this achievement when you join the marine in the future. "

"Huh? Hina didn't do anything to deserve this, and it's all thanks to Longinus-san!" Hina panicked and waved her hand in rejection.

"Don't you worry, I'm sure I won't forget Longinus' part, he's probably being interviewed by those reporters right now!" Commodore Adkin was quite envious of the fact that a Commodore had been in the papers a handful of times, and even those times were only mentioned as written material when he was in the good graces of Longinus.

It can't be helped, but whoever called him ugly-looking and mediocre strength with a familiar story, there's no material worth digging up.

But Longinus was different, even if he were just pictured in that face, it would make the newspaper sales go up several notches. Even those who weren't particularly interested in his looks couldn't find any fault with his perfect resume, at one point becoming someone's child in the mouth of those parents in these oceans.


"Quite a perfect answer, Ensign Longinus, and I look forward to our next partnership!" A sizeable humanoid bird politely removes his bowler hat.

"Vice President Morgans, your questions are also quite sharp and tactful, and I think we might have the opportunity to work together again in the future." Although the other party was a large humanoid bird, Longinus didn't show any strange glances.

"I also have this hunch that with Ensign Longinus's potential, our cooperation will never end on this occasion, and I hope that my report will be accompanied by Ensign Longinus's reputation throughout the Grand Line!" Morgans wobbled his funny belly and calmly walked out of the room, despite the distant laughter.

"The future president of the World Economic News?" Longinus gazed in the distant direction of Morgans, then looked down into his closed palm slightly, "Only by mastering the power of public opinion can we spread 'justice' to the more distant lands!"


During the night, the kings of the remaining countries arrived one by one.

It was the main reason for their request for marine intervention, as the kings would not have felt so comfortable entering the territory of their neighbours without the presence of a marine representing "absolute justice".

"The most troublesome part of the four-nation talks this time around is Alabasta, as they are the most powerful and have profited the most from previous wars. If we call it quits on this, while they will still be the biggest winners in the war, they may lose a lot of their subsequent profits."

In the middle of the feasting, Commodore Adkin dealt with the greetings of the dignitaries and aristocrats as he gave Longinus a few highlights of the meeting.

"Moreover, that old man of Alabasta is extremely cunning and treacherous, always proposing to bite off the fattest piece of meat from the enemy, and has waged dozens of wars, large and small, during his years in power, which has expanded Alabasta to its current level. I'm already surprised that he's even agreed to participate in this four-nation meeting."

"As for the remaining three countries, you should mainly pay attention to King Azka. That guy is greedy, along with his stupidity. Although he's losing the war, he may still fantasize about grabbing benefits with his 'superior' negotiating skills, so don't let his stupidity ruin the talks. "

Longinus twitches his mouth, speechless, "Are we here to mediate, or are we here to babysit?"

"Those who can do it, do it well!" Commodore Adkin scanned the area and said in a low voice, "Actually, Sentinel Island is a mess, not to mention that the seas under my jurisdiction are the largest among the Branch Commodores. It was because they saw me as the most senior that they let me take over the place."

"Because, according to my previous statement, all previous marines stationed here have spotted traces of frequent activities of World Government intelligence agencies on this island, and it seems that this is an area of great concern for the World Government. That's why we've agreed to try to keep the island of Sentinel from becoming chaotic so that those Government guys don't interfere."

"Is it because of the Nefertari clan's former status as royalty, or because of the historical stone tablet that the royal family possesses?" Longinus retraced the memories of that otherworldly soul and secretly thought to himself, "It must be the former! Otherwise, the World Government wouldn't have been able to allow Crocodile to wreak havoc on Alabasta for so many years!"

As Longinus pondered, Commodore Adkin tapped Longinus on the shoulder and tweaked his eyebrows, saying, "It looks like I'm the one getting in the way a bit, so I won't prevent your marine hero from spreading his charisma!"

Sure enough, when the thick-eyed Adkin left, many young whores soon came together.

"Are you the Ensign Longinus who freed those poor slaves? It is as handsome as the, I mean, is as kind as it is written in the newspaper!"

"Can such a thing as kindness be seen at once? You're just interested in someone's face value, shameless! But I'm different. I see the interesting soul of Ensign Longinus!"

"'re a slut!"

"Ensign Longinus, may you tell us about your heroic deeds fighting the pirates? If we don't have time, it's okay if we change to a more peaceful place to discuss it in detail."

"All you old women in your twenties, hurry up and let go of Ensign Longinus, can't you be a little more aware of the fact that you're looking for someone older that better matches your age?"

"What do you unshaven little girls know?"

"Auntie, you're just annoying, eh!"

"What did you call me?"

"I'm sorry, I should have called you Big Mom!"

"Damn little girls, let's see if I don't rip your mouths off!"

"Just come on! I've been looking at you Big Moms for a long time!"

As the conflict erupted, Longinus was pushed out instead.

At this time, a familiar yet unfamiliar face appeared in front of Longinus, so excited that he couldn't speak to himself, "Long... Long... Ensign Longinus, to see you here, I am ...I'm just so happy."

"By the way, allow me to introduce myself, I am the Crown Prince of Alabasta, Nefertari Cobra, and also your most loyal admirer!"

Published in Qidian, February 26, 2019