Three Rusty Chains

"Whew! Be calm, be calm!" In this life-or-death situation, Buffett instead gets a glimpse of his old state of mind back, and his brain starts working at top speed.

"The fence is made of the latest alloy, and it's impossible to destroy it in a short period, which means that the escape route won't work and you'll have to fight him?"

"But I haven't experienced a battle on the same level in almost ten years, and this guy in front of me is killing from a mountain of corpses, and if we duel to the death... there's no way I'll be his opponent!"

"But there's no need for me to fight him to the death, let's stall for a while, just wait until the Don Kanojao comes to support us, it's still hard to say who will lose and who will win."

At that thought, Buffett took a deep breath and turned around with a smile on his face, "Haha! Are you Apophis, the Red Sword? I'm the owner here, Benjamin Buffett, and welcome to Mafia Land!"

However, Apophis remained motionless and continued to press forward.

"Perhaps... there is some misunderstanding between Sir Apophis and me, but as long as things are made clear, I think we can still be friends."

Seeing that there was still no response from the other side, Buffett panicked and asked urgently, "Who the hell is trying to kill me? No matter what the price the other party offers, I'm willing to pay double..., no, triple the fee!"


"Is there no room for discussion? I'm at least a pirate with a bounty of one hundred and twenty million berries on my head, so it won't do anyone any good if the fish has to die!" Buffett paled at the threat, quietly moving his feet to the side.

On the sidewall, hung his three shackles that once been a testament to his power. Now it had covered in dust over time, even rusty.

"I'll give you the chance to pick up your weapon." Beneath the deadly ghost mask, the apathetic voice of Apophis was finally heard.

Buffett was startled, not expecting his intentions to be fully seen through and that the other man wasn't even going to launch a surprise attack while he was unarmed, was that the kind of tricks and trashy bushido, or was it purely to look down on him?

"Hey! That's a pretty outrageous attitude to look down on people, and I hope you don't regret your current choice later, but my reputation as a Buffett Broken Skull..."

Buffett would have continued with some more trash talk, but he found Apophis' stalled footsteps continuing to move forward, too frightened to continue his blabbering, and with an arrow, he stepped forward to pick up his weapon.

It was a two-meter long iron rod with three spiked balls of hammers tied to a chain at the top with sharp barbs that glowed coldly in the sunlight, in short, three meteoric hammers connected to an iron rod to form a particular weapon.

With weapon in hand, it was as if Buffett had regained his lost confidence, holding his hands above his head and wielding a triple head shackle, the Meteor Hammer spinning at top speed with a shocking sonic boom.

If this were to hit someone's body, it would only instantly turn the enemy into a pile of flesh.

"I have crushed the skulls of countless enemies with it, Apophis, and you are not the first, nor will you ever be the last!"

Apophis walked silently, sliding an ancient long sword in the palm of his right hand, phantom and green flames reflected on it as if it had suddenly changed from a wandering phantom to a deadly ghost.

"How can your sword come out of your body? What's this dark, sneaky fire all? Are you a man or a ghost or some monster?"

The oldest and most powerful human emotion is fear, and the oldest and most potent fear is the unknown.

In a situation that was clearly beyond his knowledge, Buffett couldn't help but back away and was soon leaning against the cold fence.

There's nowhere to run!

Fear at its peak is complete rage, and Buffett waved a triple-headed shackle and roared hysterically, "Get back where you belong, you fucking monster!"

In the world of pirates, great power can destroy everything.

Like Edward Weevil, the self-proclaimed Whitebeard Jr of future time, who was able to become one of Oka Shichibukai who suppressed the Grand Line simply because he had the same power as the young Whitebeard.

Buffett's strength naturally couldn't compare to that kind of monster, but the description of him in the information wasn't much inaccurate. He did have the terrifying monstrous power to collapse a small mountain with a single punch, driven by him, three meteoric hammers crashed to the ground, spiderweb-like cracks rapidly spreading in all directions.

With just one blow, this hall collapsed halfway down.

However, it was this power that was comparable to that of the Giants, but when Apophis was stepping on the Meteor Hammer, he was unable to pull it out even as he reddened.

"Are you kidding me, compared to strength, how could I lose to a swordsman?" Buffett's heart had been completely taken over by fear, and the power he prided himself on was being compared to a swordsman.

Indeed, the most powerful swordsmen must have the ultimate in strength and speed.

Without power, you can't attack, and without speed, you can't hit.

On the other hand, the aspect of physique, swordsmen who sought extreme attacks were generally weak.

But relatively speaking, the average swordsman won with speed, and as for attacks, they could be left entirely to the weapons to make up for it.

And that was why Buffett was so terrified and horrified when he found out that the other guy was still above him, did this guy have no weaknesses at all?

At that moment, Apophis steeply raised his feet, and Buffett couldn't recover his power in time and fell in a sudden fall, three meteoric hammers flying their way back to hit him, making him scream out even more.

"Apophis, what do you mean?" As Buffett gritted his teeth, he heard the apathetic voice come out from under the mask again.

"Game over, I'm not interested in continuing the game with a loser like you. "

"Play? You say you're playing?" Stimulated by the surge of blood and redness in front of his eyes, Buffett roared, his whole body muscular like an old tree, explosive power pouring out of his body in a steady stream.

"There's a limit to how much you can look down on someone! Go to hell!"

The high-speed spinning Meteor Hammer bombarded down, faintly carrying the sound of wind and thunder vibration.

Apophis' right hand that held the Sword of the Seven Stars swung upwards with no fancy tricks, only extreme speed and power.

The steel-cast meteor hammer instantly obliterated into fragments, as if it had been eroded by time. And in the blink of an eye, it had dissipated without a trace.

Buffett was blown away by a massive force, and even the fence made of alloy shattered instantly.

"If it had been ten years ago, I never would have been in such a mess as I am now..." and Buffett fell to the ground, looking up at the ghost mask.

"When you choose to retreat from the Grand Line, you are destined to be a failure!" Apophis's cold voice shattered his last illusions.

"Ten years ago, was this day destined to fail?" Buffett was lost in thought, talking to himself.

"Are you kidding me, just one strike has made the underground lord of the Aethi kingdom and disarmed the sea pirate Broken Skull Buffett, who once placed a bounty of 120 million berries, unable to resist!" In the distance with binoculars in the heart of the cold Capone Bege, although he has the idea to fuck over Buffett himself to the top, in terms of strength he is still a lot weaker than Buffett. Otherwise, he will not be so long settled this kind of person concerning the falcon.

"It would only be worse if it were me." Capone Bege only felt that his back was utterly drenched in a cold sweat, and for the first time he thought that the boys around him couldn't give him any sense of security, "No, this is still too close, I must quickly withdraw across the island to do so."