Mr. Buffett the Miserable

Ten large sailing ships were lined up in the waters adjacent to the Kingdom of Aethi.

On the significantly larger of the ten galleons, the main ship, two strong men, talked.

"Don Kanojao, although it's a bit disrespectful, I still have to say that you may have been overly reckless this time. The Magic Sword Apophis is a powerful man who has a fearsome reputation all over the Grand Line, and you agreed to Buffett's request this time without discussing it with the Don Chinjao, what if ..."

"Enough! I want you to remember that I'm the leader of the Happo Navy!" Pepper growled before calming down and saying, "Sorry, I got a little carried away."

The man who spoke was unconcerned, shaking his head and smiling, "Don Kanojao, I understand that you don't want to use the power of Don Chinjao, but you should know that he is your father after all, and no one would blame you for using your own father's power."

"Understand? No, you never understood!" Kanojao got excited again and spoke rapidly, "No matter what I've done, no matter what I've accomplished, you'll only associate it with my father. As for me, I'm already 28 years old, and you guys will still only treat me like a child, and no matter what I do, I have to go through my father's approval first. But I'm the leader of the Happo Navy, and I'm the pillar of the Happo Navy, why is it that my words and my decisions never count?"

"I've had enough of this day!"

The only thing the man spoke was silence, and it was tough for him to judge such things.

"I know that guy named Apophis isn't simple, but that's why I'll fulfill that mafia leader's request. I'll use his blood and head to establish my true authority in Happo Navy!"

"This ...," the man who spoke shook his head with a bitter smile, secretly thinking to himself, "Forget it. It's better to let the Don Kanojao suffer a little, even if that Apophis is crazy, he won't completely offend the green pepper just because we came to help him ... Kind of a real sea pirate like the chief, right?"

When he was thinking this, the pirate attached to the Happo Navy looked like he was in a hurry and came over to report.

"Chief Kanojao, Vice Chief Lupine, we have reached the Kingdom of Aethi, but, but ..."

"Speak clearly!" Lupine's brow furrowed, and he snapped out violently.

"This, this ... two chiefs, you'd better come out and see for yourselves!"

"What a strong smell of blood, and the scent of burning human flesh mixed with the scent of smoke ... " Going to the door, Lupine fastened his brow and walked out.

"Hiss!" Seeing the situation in front of him, even a battle-hardened pirate like Lupine could not help but inhale bitter cold air.

The supposedly bustling port was in shambles, littered with wreckage and broken limbs, nothing more than the most gruesome human purgatory.

"Is that guy ... the devil?" While Kanojao didn't vomit like a rookie, his pale, paper-thin face was proof that he was not as calm as he appeared on the outside.

"Apophis is just one person no matter what, and this kind of thing cannot be completely under his sole domination." Lupine calmed his restless heart, and calmly analyzed the situation.

"We caught a few mafia members who had gone insane for questioning, and a rough guess is that Buffett planted a bomb here intending to blow up the entire port ..." replied the next pirate.

"Worthy of being the head of the Mafia, that Buffett guy sure is ruthless!" Lupine took a deep breath and asked, "Where is Apophis? Is it dead already?"

"No, the result is that Apophis is unharmed, and instead, they wipe out their army!"

"Is it even unscathed? It looks like this guy is even trickier than we thought!" Lupine looked pale, the other party's strength had exceeded his imagination, "Don Kanojao, why don't we retreat first and wait until we find Don Chinjao?"

As soon as the words came out, Lupine felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, after hearing his admonition, Kanojao, who had been reluctant to retreat, turned cold instead, "Do you think I would be intimidated by such a small scene? It's just a little-known swordsman, let's see how I can defeat him with the Eight Punch Fist!"


Apophis stepped forward and trampled Buffett underfoot, "Your slave catcher ship has reached Aska Island, hasn't it?"

"Slave catcher ship ... Aska Island ..." asked Buffett, looking confused and coughing up blood, "What the hell are you talking? Are you not here to kill me?"

"And yes, maybe you won't even take it to heart, so let me rephrase the question, where is the record you have regarding the slave hunter ship?"

"Slave hunting ships ... Yes, most of the people you're targeting are slave owners or the mafia involved in human trafficking like me ..." with a dawned look on Buffett's face. "I see, there must be someone you care a lot about who was taken as a slave, and that's why you're going around like a mad dog picking on people like us, intending to get information about that person from us."

"Hahahahaha! Magic Sword Apophis, I didn't know you had this Kind of experience, I feel sad for you!" Self-conscious of grasping the other side's lifeblood, Buffett's tone became more and more arbitrary and arrogant.

"If you want to get information from me, the least you can do is keep me safe."

"With your hatred for slavers, you would never let me leave alive once you had that information, and you and I both know that."

"So don't expect to be able to force any information out of me, I'm a man who's very afraid of death, and compared to death, whatever torture methods you're using are worthless."

Apophis withdrew his right foot that had stepped on the other and walked away without a word.

"Fine, fine, mutual respect is the only way to work together!" Seeing that a fierce man like Apophis had even softened, a sense of accomplishment arose in Buffett's heart, and he said proudly, "Originally if you sincerely came to beg, I would have taken it as making a friend. However, this way of you now makes it difficult for me, if I hand over the things to you like this, it will be difficult for me, the head of the project, to give an account to my men, but if I don't, it will hurt the peace between us."

"So what? I've been thinking about it, and I've finally come up with the best of both worlds, if you agree to three conditions, I'll ... asshole, are you listening to me or not!"

"Wait, what's that thing you're holding in your hand?" When Buffett, lying on the floor, glanced at the book in Apophis's hands with his eye, his anger was instantly dampened, and all that remained was unspeakable fear.

"Transaction records," Apophis said succinctly.

"How could you ... you find it so quickly when it's obvious that I hid it in the most secret place!"

"Dead people don't need to know that much."

"A dead man? Wait, I still have ..."

Apophis lashed out with his sword, and the stunned man's head rolled to the side with his bones.

A short while later, Apophis tossed the volume aside and sighed, "Was the last deal with Aska Island seven years ago? It seems to be the wrong man again, Mr. Buffett, and you are unlucky!"