3 Big Monsters (2/3)

Commodore Morgan hurried to leave after giving his explanation, the incident of the assault was not so simple to end, and many annoying wrap-ups were awaiting him.

On the other hand, Longinus pondered his thoughts as he made his way to the boot camp.

There were already many vibrant faces and some half-dead old fogies in the camp at the moment. The scene somewhat reminded Longinus of the place called University in the foreign soul's memory, which seemed incredibly similar to the difference between freshman and senior year.

"But it's more or less different, and there's no mercy in hanging around here to end up either repeating a grade or being swept away."

"But if it's true what Commodore Morgan said, maybe those government people wouldn't have wanted to get promoted, after all, fighting pirates is a death sentence, they just wanted to come and get some gold medals, where would they have thought to fight to the death?"

Longinus shook his head, no longer thinking about this nonsense.

"However, I should ... now," Longinus was struggling where to start when he saw a table in the shade in front of him with a huge banner saying "Freshman Report" next to it. Four big words, not to be dumbfounded, "It's becoming more and more like the world I remember!"

A young girl sat bored in the shade, with a ponytail and some baby fat on her face, which would have been a girl who could score 8 points according to that world.

Seeing Longinus strolling with a gentle smile on his face, the ponytail girl couldn't help but feel a little excited at springtime.

It can't be helped that the women of the pirate world are fine, but the men ... are frequently drawn quite cleanly, and to put it mildly, they are not very polite looking, and to put it harshly, they affect the town appearance.

And in this camp, it's a trend that has been taken to the extreme. So much so that Penn's arrival here is as friendly as home.

The kind of things like Longinus can be considered a sought-after resource.

Thus, the ponytail girl quickly perked up her spirits and said with a sweet smile, "Are you here to report, kōhai?"

The apparent answer, Longinus sighed under his breath and then asked, "I am Longinus from the G2 branch coming to report, which dormitory should I be in?"

"Longinus? The Longinus, who saved a whole crew of sailors?" The ponytail girl covered her small mouth in surprise.

When the bloodstained warship arrived at the Headquarters, it caused quite a commotion, so many people also went to the ship down to ask for news, and then, with Gregory and others to add fuel to the picture, a brave and robust marine to stand out on paper.

Like the ponytail girl had been surprised earlier, she didn't expect to see a real person so soon.

"If you're referring to the G8 warship, that person is indeed me." Longinus didn't have the intention to hide it.

"I didn't expect that this kōhai was not only handsome but also so good, no, I have to quickly send him to the dorm to take control of his first-hand information, to save the others from coming back and stealing this job from me." The pony-tailed girl had a crisis in her heart and said with a stern, "Kōhai, let's go, I'll quickly send you to the dormitory."

It was a little awkward, but Longinus didn't refuse, and he didn't want to stay here and be watched.

After dropping Longinus off, the pony-tailed girl waved her hand in love and said goodbye, "Longinus-san, you must remember to come to see me!"

Longinus shook his head and walked helplessly into the dormitory.

It was a four-person dorm room, and the other three were familiar to him.

"Finally, Boss, you're here, come on, we've cleaned up your bed for you," Gregory said excitedly.

"Have you all cleaned up for me already? Well, thank you very much."

"That's nothing. If it weren't for you, brother, we wouldn't have been able to reap a second class credit in the first place." Abraham was also delighted and said, "Brother, you don't know, those Headquarters recruits who didn't think too highly of us, after learning that we each had a second class credit, their eyes dropped to the ground, and they almost put jealousy on their faces."

"Headquarters recruits?" Longinus asked, frowning.

"Brother Longinus, it's like this. There are four hundred of us in this session, nine from each branch on the Grand Line, nineteen from the Four Seas branch combined, and then there are three hundred from the direct line of this Headquarters, like the three places in the G8 branch that will eventually be filled by the Headquarters as well." Penn thought seriously, and then added, "If you don't count the two hundred or so who were retained in the last year, that's indeed how many."

"According to you, bro, those guys in this department are at the top of the chain of contempt, the Four Seas branch is at the bottom of the chain of contempt, and like us, we're just uncomfortably in the middle," Gregory said complaining.

"That's not even the most infuriating thing, like those well-informed recruits from this division saying that we have three monster recruits this session, and then it turns out that they ranked you third, bro."

"How dare they say that it was because of your fame, Boss, that you were barely listed, so angry that I fought with them then. But those HQ guys are just good with their mouths, and when it comes to a real fight, one is worse than a loser, and the five of them combined are no match for me." In the end, Gregory was already showing off with pride.

Abraham said absently, "You're still relying on your ability to fly? However, you're not wrong about one thing; those people in this Headquarters aren't good enough to be placed in our G2 branch. They don't even qualify for the election."

Longinus smiled carelessly, "According to you, it's good that they can rank me in. However, I'm also a little curious as to what kind of characters those other two are."

"Those two seem to be the signatures of this Headquarters. One of them is already at the level of a swordsman." Gregory said, and the serious look on his face became slutty, "I heard that she's also a super beauty, and one by one those guys from this Headquarters are falling head over heels for her. I'm now rather looking forward to what kind of expression those guys from this Headquarters will show when your personality, bro, capture her."

Longinus didn't care about his nonsense, but nodded, "Swordsman? Sword skills of this level are rare even in this Headquarters, so it's no wonder they think she's still above me!"

Abraham, on the other hand, chimed in, "That's right, and they've only put the beautiful swordsman in second place."

"What about first?" Longinus was getting more and more curious now.

"I heard that guy is an Ability User of Zoan like me, but he's Mythical Type species." Gregory had a look of envy on his face, it was a Mythical Type species that was even rarer than Logia, and it was completely different from a common species like him.

Longinus also showed a cautious look at the right time; in that foreign soul memory, even Logia, there existed absolute family shame. Still, Mythical Zoan Type species was all but powerful, if you didn't count some high replica A-thing that had to die.