Eternal Hell's Incident (3/3)

At that moment, followed by the cold wind that came out from the hole in the floor of Blazing Hell, a few sounds of battle were heard.

Ember woke up abruptly, "Damn it. I can't afford to waste any more time with this guy!"

As he said, the gigantic pteranodon was ready to do the same old trick and ram the "sky" into LEVEL 3's Starvation Hell.

"It's not so easy to escape before me!" Longinus's Kenbunshoku Haki had been focused on Ember, so naturally, he couldn't just let him escape easily, and now he also rushed up into the sky with Geppo, jumping down directly onto the pteranodon's back.

"Bastard, get your ass down here!" With Longinus on his back, Ember couldn't escape at ease, and who knew if Longinus would do something terrible while he was flying.

Thus, Ember kept spinning back around to try to throw Longinus off, but it was as if Longinus had taken root behind him, and no matter how fiercely he turned and flew, even diving headlong into the sea of flames, he remained as safe as a mountain.

"Damn it, why are you so skilled?"

"It seems that pteranodon is no different except bigger and stronger than the golden eagle," Longinus said, poking Ember in the back with a skilled Shigan.


The giant pteranodon screamed and hissed in pain, spilling hot blood from midair, but still did not return to its human form.

"Fucking bastard, get your ass burned to ashes!" Ember hissed as his body was suddenly wrapped in scorching flames, and naturally, Longinus, who was lying attached to him, was inevitably attacked by the flames.

"Very well, let's see who can make it to the end." Longinus endured the scorching flames and used his fingers like a sword, continually poking a bloody hole behind the embers. If it wasn't for his Kenbunshoku Haki sensing that several breaths were approaching, the best way was to use the Seven Star Sword by surprise now.

But with the risk of exposure, Longinus had to be ruthless enough to give up the feast beneath him.

Clueless to the fact that he had dodged a bullet, Ember was still circling and hissing, and now and then rushing into the fire for a joint bath with Longinus.

Suddenly, a tragic figure rushed out of Freezing Hell, merely glancing at the two in the scuffle, and then without hesitation, continued to run into LEVEL 3's Starvation Hell.

"It's Red Count Redfield!" Longinus was shocked, not to mention that this guy was seriously injured and deserved to be focused on, but he was allowed to escape. What the hell were Jarvis and the others doing?

Longinus knew in his heart that although he wasn't offending the Red Count too severely this time. With the Red Count's magnanimity, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to trouble him, but if he met him by chance, the other party wouldn't mind taking care of him incidentally!

But there wasn't much fluctuation in Longinus's mind, it was perfectly normal for the so-called plan to have a few twists and turns, and everything couldn't go in the direction he expected.

If you are making a choice, you must have the courage to take the price for it.

Moreover, the Red Count was not an unlikely enemy to deal with now. He was already heavily injured, he must have used some unusual means to escape this time, and his injuries would worsen after he got out. Unless he could find Mythical Type Fruit, it would be impossible for him to heal in a few years.

And in a few years, it'll be hard to tell who's catching who!


Seeing the Red Count turn and flee without hesitation, Ember also hissed in anger. He had given someone else a dowry with this move!

He had never been so wrong before!


Therefore, after noticing a similar movement, Ember also had a ruthless heart, even without even looking at the person's identity, he went head-on to clash them forcefully.

Longinus sighed in his heart. Ember was indeed resolute.

Ember was well aware that if anyone from Impel Down side came up next, there was absolutely no way he would be able to get out from under Longinus' entanglement. As such, he might take the initiative and send the man up to involve him in the fight, in case there was a situation where the Red Count would ignore him like that.

"Hahahahaha! Jarvis, thank you for these ten years of hospitality. I will certainly remember ... what the hell?" The human figure who was rushing up Blazing Hell by stepping on the air was suddenly startled to find a large bird crashing into him, and his body reacted instinctively.

"Momo - Ten Times Faster!"


The big bird and the silhouette bounced away violently, while Longinus remained clinging to the back of Ember without being thrown off.

"World Destroyer, Byrnndi World!" There was a slight hint of surprise in Embers' voice, this guy was also a sea pirate held in Eternal Hell, and if he hadn't been frozen for ten years, he wouldn't be even less of a threat than the Red Count.

"Impel Down people?" World, on the other hand, was gloomy. However, he had been frozen for ten years, he was familiar with the scent of Impel Down, and with the sudden attack just now, it was natural that he now considered this one-person and one-mount combination as an enemy.

"I don't have time to spend with you right now, give a shit ..."

"Wait a minute, World, I'm not your enemy, and if you remember anything at all, you can remember that I was the one who just released you from the freeze," Ember explained in a fast-talking voice.

World was startled, "Indeed, your scent seems to be the one I met when I first awoke."

Saying that, World laughed teasingly again, "I said how come Eternal Hell is suddenly rioting, so it's one of their own that's gone rogue? It's just that you don't seem to be in a perfect place right now, do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Even if you're the one who got me out of there, I'm not that obligated to take a bullet for you, so you better get out of my eyes now, or you know the consequences." World snapped with a bad temper.

"Heh! I don't expect pirates like you to be grateful to me!" The pteranodon's mouth was spilling blood, and although he had covered his back with Busoshoku Haki, the vibrations caused by each attack by Longinus were not so easy to defend against it. If it weren't for the strong life force of Zoan, he would have fallen headfirst due to damaged internal organs.

His physical strength was near-infinite, but that didn't mean the life force was as well, and he was now on the verge of dying.

Therefore, Ember broke down and threatened, "I'm not asking for your help, I'm threatening, if you want just to run away, I'll drag you down with me even if it costs me this life, don't doubt it, I'm capable of doing that!"

World hesitated a little, intending to flee when the other party wasn't glancing. However, Ember didn't even give him the chance to do so and swooped down with wings wrapped in flames.

World, who narrowly avoided the surprise attack, didn't feel much anger, but instead looked serious in his approval, "Well, you sure are tough enough!"